Doing my part in helping restore freedom to America while kicking evil in the ass. Guided by God the Father, Jesus Christ & my ancestors!
I’ll gladly accept a class action lawsuit against USA inc for forcing us to lock down and negatively affecting my life.
For accepting a rigged election and letting an elderly dumb ass wreck this country. (I know he’s fake)
Let’s bring on the great default and bankrupt this corporation forever. (already is bankrupt but needs to play out for normies)
What legal mechanism could handle the scope and scale of lawsuits against each and every single entity that aided, abetted and promoted the scamdemic?
My wife and I are old and covid broke our back financially. And her employer forced ger to wear a mask. weekly test, and tried to force her to take the vax. And we are still scraping along. Countless businesses and individuals were ruined, damaged and some killed. This is a crime against humanity of epic proportion.
Denver Digital Soldier, Believe in the Promise of Q. Twitter Refugee, Independent Thinker & Anon. Patriot. Family is Everything.
The greatest gift of the Q movement is this: ANYTHING seems and is possible! Have faith that you will not be left behind spiritually or financially. The bad guys have all the money and we have them cornered 🙏
We are with you!
Appreciate the words of encouragement, always. It's weird that when we hit the wall, I was angry then frustrated and sort of depressed. But for some strange reason I really believe things will get sorted out and I am okay with that even if it doesn't come in my lifetime. Just knowing that the children of earth have a chance at a better future makes it right by me!