#FamilyIsEverything. APL = 8.17/10 *Authorized conspiracy theorist *Not an authorized preacher.

They are looking for the bloodline.

Nana, Direct Internal connection to God, WWG1WWA, MAGA, Angels are here already #FightLikeGodIsBesideYou

In response Vincent KennedyโŸ to his Publication

They have always been looking for Jesus' bloodline.

Do the WHs have to look any more?
What were the Knights of the Round table & the evil reptilian Queen up to? What was the purpose of the breeding of those 13 bloodlines? Maybe later in the movie!

My vision today really confused me.

I was told that the first human was given the number zero. I was shown the number it was a "0" with some symbols after it that I didn't recognize.

Some of these visions really continue to make me wonder, like the ancient book I was shown. I have literally looked thro pics of ancient book covers some nights til I feel asleep scrolling, cant find it. It was green, old green with about one inch border all around the cover of some symbols I have never seen with an old ribbon binding together at the top.He said it was important Alchemy.

And I still wonder where the cylinder tank bomb is I saw a few weeks ago. Have tried over and over to go back to remote view it better but nope.

Grateful Patriot, proud grandmother, seeker of the Truth!

In response Angels Here -Z to her Publication

as I was reading this I heard in my spirit Essenes

Nana, Direct Internal connection to God, WWG1WWA, MAGA, Angels are here already #FightLikeGodIsBesideYou

In response Debra ... to her Publication

I dont think my guide would direct me to anything bad.

In response Angels Here -Z to her Publication

The Essenses were the ones who raised Jeshua. They are a beautiful community of special humans-, Nazarenes from Scandenavia with Lyran star origin. They would be O

Nana, Direct Internal connection to God, WWG1WWA, MAGA, Angels are here already #FightLikeGodIsBesideYou

In response Alcyone 777 to her Publication

What do you mean they would be O?

In response Angels Here -Z to her Publication

4:44 O is for Original God-given DNA- untampered with or corrupted Jeshuas was pristine 64 strands as I understand is how humans started. I don't remember those details myself. The Original and Pristine- direct from God's design for the perfect human is what matters. The essences were a sect of society that kept to themselves as they needed too- they glowed and is why art depicts them with halos. Mother Mary was an Essene as was Mary Magdeline.

Nana, Direct Internal connection to God, WWG1WWA, MAGA, Angels are here already #FightLikeGodIsBesideYou

In response Alcyone 777 to her Publication

Thanks for splaining.
I wonder why God wanted me to know that?
There usually eventually turns out to be some purpose.
My bloodtype is O but the most common of O positive.
I understand that 0 negative is more rare.
Much love

In response Angels Here -Z to her Publication

It is the original before mutations or manipulations.

I suspect many human angelic and human star seeds selected to flip on the rhesus for maybe their own protection (stay off the radar better), or that of others if your soul temperament shoots firsts and asks questions later, or if it was important to be easily relatable to a broad spectrum of people. You are everyone's nana so I suspect you chose it for people to feel comfortable around you. Rh negs can be intense, they are intense.

Our soul chooses the blood type. Our DNA carries the codes for our family genetic line.

They have documented people changing blood type through the course of their life. It has to do with what genes are flipped on and off and epigenetics is teaching us we have control over this.

I want to know more about what caused the A, B and AB mutations. Never gave it any thought, hasn't been a need to know.

Daphne. Jesus is my homeboy.๐ŸŒป

In response Alcyone 777 to her Publication

cis-ab is a good one to look into. its freakin wild. was also looking into how alpha gal disease changes the antibodies and antigens for a,b,o.. ill see what I can dig up from my research. I think its something in the plasma and not the red blood cells, that places like the red cross can test for and we dont even they do it

In response Daphne Kay to her Publication

Interesting, thanks. I want to give some thought on relating blood plasma to the 5th element of plasma is there a meaningful connection. Why is it called plasma. What did the person who named it know?

Daphne. Jesus is my homeboy.๐ŸŒป

In response Alcyone 777 to her Publication


going to dig on plasma today.. ill let you know what I find ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผโค๏ธโšก๏ธ

In response Daphne Kay to her Publication

"Alien machinery rely on the consistent production of heavy metals in the atmosphere for greater conductivity for their ELF broadcasts."

Chemtrails. We'll know the dark ones have been removed when the chemtrailing stops. It has been reducing where I live.๐Ÿ‘

"merged with the core of parallel earths in future timelines, thus, weaving together with the Galactic Suns. The opening of inner gates into the parallel allows for new integrations of Cosmic to Galactic Plasmic Sun Source, that is becoming more accessible in the earth crust, and this is called the Aqualine Sun."

Alcyone is the aqua ray in this formula- I started using a golden heart link bypass to her when I realized our sol was compromised. Sticky stuff around it.

"to fully anchor the plasma infusions"

here is why I had to stop reading people. Spells are cast with words. Replace anchoring-archoning" with "stabilizing the field"- Nothing ascends if its anchored down. We calibrate and stabilize as we rise in frequen

Daphne. Jesus is my homeboy.๐ŸŒป

In response Alcyone 777 to her Publication

wow!!! great point about the anchorโ€ฆunless the anchor is how we ground ourselves so we can fly.
when I first started having bad seizures, I had a freemason doing witch craft on me.. he would leave visions of anchors all over. I always thought he was mocking jesus and God but Misspellings matter.. wow!
thank you!

so if the blood plasma of children is used as adrenochrome then theres something in adrenalized plasma possibly? these incoming downloads are about to get wild and biblical

In response Daphne Kay to her Publication

WE ground into our heart center; the well within is eternally deep into God. What better to ground yourself into for strength, power and stability than the God within.

Earthing is beneficial for discharging excess positive ions (negative ions are the beneficial ones) after that GWEN towers, and underground utilities have compromised the frequency of the earth unless you are very far out in nature. I like a bare hand on a tree. Solar codes are collected by the leaves 24/7 & come into the trunks. It's concentrated delightful energy.

Tibetan monks consider the Heart Chakra the grounding chakra.

anchors -archons- woah- how did you escape his witchcraft or block it? Anchors/archons have hooks.

What helped with the seizures, have you done detoxing for metals and pesticides?

My nervous system is too sensitive to give adrenochrome thought- sorry I just can't go there into it or what they do, why how. I pray it stops and for all children to be kept safe, and found and helped.

Daphne. Jesus is my homeboy.๐ŸŒป

In response Alcyone 777 to her Publication

very well said!!!! grounding from within. im very new to this. seizures in 2020 become portals to heaven. so I appreciate all of your beautiful insight!

I live near the beach on the east coast of the us.. nothing puts everything more into perspective than that! I do love trees as well though!

wow green with money but evil replaces love with greed and jealousy. incredible.

whew- not sure ive escaped it lol he is my sons fathers step-father. he was grooming my oldest son since he was born. I was bit by 2 ticks after I had my now almost 4 year old and I couldnt walk or talk for a couple of years. just waited to die. and then archangel michael appeared during my seizures and beamed me up to heaven. angels protecting me the entire time. archangel michael is my twin flame and his 3D body died on 1/20/17. these angels know things! once i was hospitalized for poisoning i knew. and got that psycho out of our loves but im gaslit and all that good stuff.. like i care lol

๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿ™What a story.๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ’›

Those meant to be here to assist with the shift of the ages usually come under the most attack, and yet, will be ultimately protected. I've had my challenges and near lights knocked out. I don't know all of what one dentist did, but my consciousness dropped a lot after some work. I had to overcome high mercury toxicity too. I use to live on tuna I didn't know. A lot moved in like the perfect storm. It caused me to really clean up my world to all organic and I live a detox lifestyle now and feel great!

The East Coast gets all the good ions off the ocean and the beautiful energy of the sunrise.

In response Daphne Kay to her Publication

Only people mentioned by @Alcyone in this post can reply

Daphne. Jesus is my homeboy.๐ŸŒป

In response Alcyone 777 to her Publication

thank you! I think its also a testament to what love can do. move mountains! it sounds like a movie but with a very happy ending!

have to remind myself, I chose this and the fight is worth it. ugh im so sorry to hear about the heavy metal tox. sending you continued healing and love! that is beautiful! a lesson in everything! whew if people only knew what dental work can do to us.

so happy you are feeling bettee! you deserve it! ahhhh I need to live near water to feel alive! I know you know ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผโค๏ธโšก๏ธ

In response Daphne Kay to her Publication


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