I wonder if the folk on Gab miss me yet? I just prefer it here. Vibez matter.
Nana is so glad you came over, missed you!
I like to hit up the other sites to help wake ppl up but mostly I feel like I need to wash negatives and sometimes evil off before I come back to anonup cause it is home.
I get a pretty good feeling at 107daily and Truth as well so far, but they are so big, with so many ppl it is like being lost in an ocean as far as connecting with anyone other than our family of anons over there.
Perhaps when every one that is going to sign up gets there and we get this site connected in what ever fashion Koba and VK are mentioning we can stay together there.
Kinda watch each others 6.
It has been so awesome here not having to deal with trying to get followers just to be able to communicate.Thx@kobayashi@vincentkennedy
Nana has been thinking that this group of anons are very special & I have been mulling around ways that we together can make an impact. We have such talent here, we could do things to make a difference.