#FamilyIsEverything. APL = 7.1/10 *Authorized conspiracy theorist *Not an authorized preacher.
When sick I tend to research darker stuff. Is it the parasite?
Ivermectin already kickin in.

We should cut back on pre-shredded cheese and Make America 'Grate' Again.

#FamilyIsEverything. APL = 7.1/10 *Authorized conspiracy theorist *Not an authorized preacher.
Not trying to be cryptic.
What makes us think different than them?
Possible factors:
Let me know if I missed anything.

VK, you alluded to when Schumann lines collide there is something spirit/ spiritual going on (good or bad). Ive thought for awhile now that ‘selling your soul to the devil’ basically opens yourself up for some sort of another dimensional being? I cannot explain why Boris Johnson went into the hospital one man and came out literally a different dude- much more evil.

#FamilyIsEverything. APL = 7.1/10 *Authorized conspiracy theorist *Not an authorized preacher.
CERN opens. Spikes SR. Cat comes out. Gives Parasites to black eye club thru Ritual. Spikes SR. Makes the black eyes dumb (but still powerful) fooks. Romney was the latest member.
Now what if they figured out a way to replicate this parasite in a different form. Vax.
Why would POTUS go along with LightSpeed? Did he know? At some Point a cure will really need to be released. Unvaxxed will not need it.
Now all this is just a theory.
The other theory is POTUS could be in on it all and all the actors were just doing their assigned hater roles.
That falls apart quickly for me due to the desire I feel thru Trump wanting to go down in history as saving mankind.
The world loves him? Biblical stuff? BO 666 Confirmed?
Just learning the bible myself and keeping a very open mind.
*Exploring all possible vibes no matter how they make me feel. Been on the roller-coaster long enough to expect anything including a negative shift in the TL.
Not over
I want to believe Trump is a good guy and I want to trust the plan - but (and it’s a big controversal, probably make me hated on and bad but), what if he is the antichrist? The anti christ is supposed to bring world peace, right? We were well on our way to that before the fake election, so IF Trump were to come back, swooping in and saving the day, ushering in world peace, it’s all great and we’re “saved”, right? Nothing can stop what is coming and it’s biblical, and I do believe it is, but...just voicing my thoughts and concerns. Go easy on me lol

Ultra MAGA, outspoken, insubordinate nurse, with bags packed for reeducation camp.
i question if the Antichrist is manefested as a solitary man

Knowing who really we are🙏✨ True Consciousness Creates Harmonic Circulation. 🌎💞☯️💞◯=♾☺️ Armor of Source Almighty🙏✨
Gene explains [their] plan was to bring Lucifer back into cloned Jesus body from the potal in Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris.
Telegram: Contact @RealGeneDecode
https://www.bitchute.com/video/hz9k938OHf4d/ ... Replacement for YouTube video taken down.

for the "world peace"... the DS muppets everywhere say, that they are the "good" ones... they are for peace, against racism, helping the poor and the weak.... and they say, that their idea of centralist "Globalism" would be the only way to gain world peace... they talk about "world governance"... So THEY are talking all the time about "Peace"..... while starting one war after another... and they are talking all the time about "love" and "being nice to each other" and in the end they are just spreading hate and violence and play the game of "divide and conquer".

Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior! Casualty of the twatter purge (7 accounts gone) WWG1WGA ❤️✝️❤️🇺🇸🙏🍊
I go back and forth on this. I was concerned when Trump was given “power” over all of these places on earth. But the way I’m understanding it now is that he is not assuming power over the whole earth, but he’s helping to restore each area to who/what they were before the NWO took over in each particular place so that power/freedom could be restored to the people. Ultimately, I look to no man but one as Savior. My hope is in The Almighty, the rest is a movie to remind the masses that this earth in it’s present state is not our home! I’ve never understood this world even as a child, and being in this world and not of this world has always made sense to me. But living in both worlds is becoming increasingly difficult. God protects his flock. It’s not about winning the earth in this big cosmic game; it’s about being with God in Paradise. No guilt in life, no fear in death, this is the power of Christ in me✝️

American patriot of Hispanic origin, prolife, Christian, proud deplorable, spouse of retired soldier served OIF/OEF, Major Trump supporter
He will rise from obscurity...a “little horn” [Daniel 7:8]
Hard now a days to truly know who is on team good or team evil. But, in my heart of hearts I believe Trump is on team good. Below describes some prophecies about antichrist, IMHO, dont match Trump.
He will blaspheme God, [Daniel 7:25; 11:36; Rev 13:5] slandering His Name, dwelling place, and departed Christians and Old Testament saints [Rev 13:6]-Several times Trump praised GOD.
He will try to change the laws, perhaps to gain an advantage for his new kingdom and era [Dan 7:25]-Many laws were about stopping human trafficking.
He will have "no regard for the desire of women": He will either be asexual or homosexual [Dan 11:37]-doesnt quite describe Trump
His name will be related to number six hundred and sixty six—but not necessarily an obvious fashion [Rev 13:17-18].-this one fits Obama

Spiritual warrior and seeker of Truth. Gettr. SaiKate108
I would put good money on it being Yuval Noah Harari. Thanks for this description.

SAHM. 100% Trump supporter. Here for VK & Patriot friends. WWG1WGA
That is something I've questioned before too. I don't blindly trust anyone. But, all i can say is that i go with gut. I try to listen to that little voice inside & feel what's right. It never made sense for me & i dont believe that to be the case. I don't think Trump is a saint, but I do believe he's on the side of the people. I'll stick by him & the people till the end. I want to see what the world can be without those satanist ass holes!
Only followers of this user (@KimDonaldson07) can see their posts

Actually, Donald John Trump in the original German would be Donald Johann Drumpf. Count em. That sht has tripped me up a thousand times. NYC could easily be considered the modern Israel from a prophetic standpoint... Idk. We have to trust ourselves and God and that is it

I understand what you mean. I voiced my exact concern about this a while back. This is one reason I love AU. I thought I would get run off the site bur rather had an interesting conversation with a anon. No one (that I am aware of) ever hated me for speaking this on there. picked up a new fren and we move on questioning.I figure it is good to always question. I try to keep an open mind which is a huge challenge for me.
TLDR: I understand where you are coming from. I understand being nervous to voice concern over sensitive topics. whoever it is refer to meme

Mom, Granny, # Christian and #RedPilled for years . #GodBlessPresidentTrump #TheBestIsYetToCome
By his fruit you will know him.
So far I havent seen anything dictatorial in Trump, and I can smell that shite from a long way away.
He has been a uniter for us and given a voice to the voiceless - we could not say Happy Christmas before without people getting nervous .
If he changes his attitude or becomes Anti - Christian, then we will be the first to notice and split.

Nana, Direct Internal connection to God, WWG1WWA, MAGA, Angels are here already #FightLikeGodIsBesideYou
Idk this would be assuming that this part of the Bible was not manipulated?
Also we have to feel what resonates with our hearts not our heads.
If we are true to God and goodness, what happens to Earth, while it would be bad for the whole universe, we are still eternal.
Think logically about the antichrist.
Would the antichrist come form the bloodline of Lincoln?
Did the Knights of the Round table and the wicked Queen that sits at the head of the table bred the Antichrist?

Father, Brother, Son…Freedom lover non conformist since Day 1. Friend till the end. #FamilyIsEverything.
Was goin to bed but have to say this. hopefully as best i can... Reading a lot of deep convos about the Great Awakening, Trump, G*D AntiChrist.. My $.02. Soldiers all of us. Conditioned to think and not question orders (military) But This is unconventional war. Hence rise of the soldier. no longer playing by the rules but doing what WE believe To be right. Leaders rise during this time. WE know who the leaders are due to the vibes sent... WE becoming a unified Fighting machine are completely unstoppable. to label an antichrist is sticking to (their) rules. those who oppose are are the antichrist. WE win Because WE refuse to lose and whoever Gets in our way goes down. Manifestation is real. Use it and REfuse to lose. You Are all soldiers born to fight in any capacity.G*D won is The power of mankind coming together as an unstoppable force ..Yes WE have had help. But trust in those WE trust in, G*D, The military and Trump. He knows now if he betrays us He goes down... WE WIN ❤️U ALL 👊🏾

Rev 5:5 "The Lion of the tribe of Judah has prevailed." *Authorized preacher
Bible scholars believe the antichrist is Jewish (show why below) and will be of the tribe of Dan.
Daniel 11:37 & 7:25 tell us these characteristics about him:
“Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers (Jewish or Christian reference), nor the desire of women (homosexual?), nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all. He will speak out against the Most High and wear down the saints of the Highest One, and he will intend to make alterations in times and in law." IOW, he changes the calendar, absolves Jewish festivals, and looks to rewrite constitutions.
The AC comes on the scene following the Rapture of the church, so imagine the chaos. He needs to unite (control) the world, so he institutes one world currency and one world religion. All the Christians have been raptured and anyone not bowing down to him is beheaded, so it's easy to assume the one religion is Muslim. Fiat currencies are going away, so it's easy to see why cryptocurrency has arrived.

Doing my part in helping restore freedom to America while kicking evil in the ass. Guided by God the Father, Jesus Christ & my ancestors!
There’s a ton of incorrect information out there about what the Antichrist is.
What scriptures can you point to, to help us understand more about what you’re concerned with?

There is a dude on twadder named Donnie Darko that has some threads that i sure wish someone smarter than myself could debunk or help me understand howsome of it does not make sense. very odd stuff. I promise I am not trolling. I am troubled, need help with some of the stuff like this some things I can debunk but others Trouble me.
Twadder handle@DonnieDarkened

Well, I’m not well versed in the bible, I can quote a few scriptures (John 3:16-17, Phil 3:14, Ephesians 5:13), but I grew up in the fire and brimstone Baptist church. I didn’t learn too much from them other than I have to be saved (which I am) and then ve afraid of going to hell if you do any wrong. But, I do remember (this was impressed upon us anyway, could be skewed or maybe I don’t remember right?)from church camp, that there is a 7 year tribulation where the antichrist rules and brings false peace, most are decieved and love him and think he’s great and he ushers in world destruction, but Jesus comes back before the world completely destroys itself, saves us and brings peace for 1000 years, during which the enemy and his minions are chained in the pit. Im sure I left out and missed a lot, but that’s the basics I remember. I did find a great Jesus loving church I go to now that’s not baptist. But I’m sure there is a lot I don’t understand and haven’t grasped yet.

'The days of Noah' is a 4 part series that goes into this. The series explains how a person would come on the scene that the entire world embraced. I've often thought Trump could be this man. The bible calls him the AntiChrist.

I listen, watch, wait, and weigh. I base my judgments on God, gut, and grammar. Language and patterns show you what you need to know.
The beast is first mentioned in Revelation 13: 1-8.
Much will happen before that time.
The first trumpet doesn't even sound until Revelation 8.
Revelation 8:7 Then the first angel sounded his trumpet, and hail and fire mixed with blood were hurled down upon the earth. A third of the earth was burned up, along with a third of the trees and all the green grass.
If you, or anyone you know of, has a lawn, we're not there yet. Relax.

I don't think he is the anti-Christ, but he might be ushering the one in. Maybe not knowingly. I think God is in control and uses who He has to, to reach the goal. There will be 2 False Prophets before the Anti-Christ comes on stage. All we can do is wait and see. Trust in God. Pray.

If Trump was the AC, then Q would have to be in on it! If Q was in on it...Anons would have Bailed long ago!
We have too many Q Proofs and The Plan is manifesting daily right before our eyes! 🙏
My take is that Hollywood is MIA. 🤷♀️
I did not watch the Oscars, but from what I have seen.... most who traveled to Epstein Island, are gone pecan! The few I have seen pop up on Social Media, do not look like their Real Pedo! Self 😳
I do believe everyone should seek their own discernment though and decide what is TRUTH for their own. I know my years of research and prayer tells me “Joe is Shot”, “The Best Is Yet To Come” , “Family Is Everything” and a Real AWAKENING IS IN ROUTE!! God will Bless America Again, when we repent as a Country and rid the USA of evil! 🙏🇺🇸❤️🤍💙🇺🇸

... to be a successful soldier, you have to know history. GS Patton. 👍🏼🇺🇸🙏🏽
… I have had my questions also about DJT, because he is so loved.
if this is all a ruse…its a strange one.
I have found my way back to God because of the last three years.
I win either way 👍🏼

I walk the path God put me on with no doubt and no fear.I will stand by what is right until my last breath.#GodsArmy WWG1WGA #LetsFinishThis
I have thought the same. "The devil comes as everything you ever wanted" kind of feel. But I know my path was LED by a higher being. That is why I now question everything. But, I don't question the call to this path.

Im with you here. I want to believe Trump is a good guy and right now I do. He made some questionable cabinet choices which made me wonder from time to time though if I am being honest. And lets not forget we were warned by Q that the end would not be for everyone and we should all be prepared for a shock. Whether that shock involves Trump time will tell.

2 Chronicles 7:14 14 If My people who are called by My name humble themselves, pray, seek my face..... #GodWins #WWG1WGA #imovershit
Jesus gave us the easiest instruction ever, “You will know them by thier fruits”. Who on the other side has produced better fruits? God is not trying to trick those who love Him, if Trump is bad we wil see down the line if bad fruits emerge. That is why God is giving us all kinds of inspired guidance. Eyes on God and not the bends in the road.

LEO Wife and Mom of 3 strong, conservative young ladies. Patriot for life.

Here to support Trump and his movement. Happy husband, proud father, Q, MAGA, love America or leave America.
I have pondered this also. If trump is the bad guy we are beyond screwed! I believe he is a good guy just because of the genuine hate and terror he produces from the known evil ones. It could be acting, but I don’t think it is. Furthermore, we would be in a much worse situation now as patriots. We would be locked down, food and water supplies completely cut off, some of is would be in FEMA camps by now if there wasn’t some good guys in control.

Why can't there be a Q Military OP at the helm?
Just like they are making deals, if Trump were a bad guy, they could've made a deal with him too.
There is also God who works in mysterious ways to bring about the Great awakening, I always called it the Big Reveal and Heal, and there is the second coming of Christ, maybe it is the Christ heart light awakening in all of humankind, day by day, until we are all light. Trump can be a bad guy and infinite good can still arise. Trust in God and that we are being delivered from evil.
To put your salvation on Trump is false idol worship. Liberating a planet of nearly 8 billion people from a reptilian race occupation requires more than one person's life or effort. They are advanced and the Q Op must be assisted by benevolent star races in service to the Christ light/God as well.
What is happening on earth is bigger than Trump. No matter what he does, if WE all don't wake up, and take back our countries, we are screwed anyway.

Q, patriot, holistic healer for humans and dogs. Certified in dogs. I'll speak my mind no matter what. Be nice or get lost.
Here ya go..follow her. Shes awesome. Listen to her last video..its involved Eric Trump.
Ark Of Grace Ministries - YouTube
Grace Fire Living-Fire of God, mountain moving type faith, prophetically charged, walking in faith in these modern times mixed with talk about animals, rescu...
I actually have listened to her a few times and I was subscribed to her on youtube, but then I started following Madyson Marquette on Telegram (I think she is on FB too). She opened my eyes to a lot that seemed good, pastors, mega churches, and prophets. There is a lot of controversy surrounding her, but I think she’s genuine. Her focus is weeding the good from evil and exposing them and battling child trafficking.

Q, patriot, holistic healer for humans and dogs. Certified in dogs. I'll speak my mind no matter what. Be nice or get lost.
Have you listened to any prophets? Everyone of them said Trump was anointed by God to help cleanse this Earth. Trump isn't swavey and charming or young or from Europe or another country..forget which... go back and read your bible...The prophets will tell you...Obama was the closest to the antichrist..but they still say he wasnt.

#FamilyIsEverything. APL = 7.1/10 *Authorized conspiracy theorist *Not an authorized preacher.
I wonder what they would call JFK Jr

Ultra MAGA, outspoken, insubordinate nurse, with bags packed for reeducation camp.

A Good Man=70=
“People often tell me I could be a great man. I'd rather be a good man.”
― John F. Kennedy Jr.
G70-"sleeplessness" is rendered "watchings
Patriots don't sleep

#FamilyIsEverything. APL = 7.1/10 *Authorized conspiracy theorist *Not an authorized preacher.
If anything what I would want to come from bringing this up is to remove any fear of talking about it. If people hold these things in the subconscious thought (like some are) it will manifest. That's how manifesting works. On a subconscious level. Its not what you think you are suppose to think that makes things manifest. We owe it to ourselves to be truthful to ourselves.

Professional Free Spirit ✨ On a Mission for Mother Hearth💚 #KennedyVision Ambassador 🕊️ #FamilyIsEverything💖
To me it is also one of the meaning of "from dark to light".
Having the courage to look at everything you have inside (most of the dark stuff is probably there because of mind control and programming) and let it out, face it, learn from it, make peace with it, let it go, move on...

WWG1WGA, TRUMP2020+ Proud Army Colonel's Daughter, LOVE GOD, My Family and My Country!
I would like to ask a legit question, not to be attacked but am looking for answers. Why then is President Trump shown in many pics and videos doing the Freemason handshake, the pyramid with his hands and the 666 okay hand gesture in many speeches?
It doesn't make sense to me.

Denver Digital Soldier, Believe in the Promise of Q. Twitter Refugee, Independent Thinker & Anon. Patriot. Family is Everything.
I’ve thought deeply about this Q.
Here’s my conclusion. If Trump is bad- then we never had a chance regardless who won 2016. So would the plan- black or white- not just let Killary win and she could could march out NWO virtually uncontested . Much easier destruction of America than waking up 60% of the world first.

I am a Information Treasure Hunter. I was sent to earth to teach Love and Kindness
This movie is hard enough already.
Im ready for some neck jerking action 😂😂🤣😂🤣😂
Lets raise the vibes

Q, patriot, holistic healer for humans and dogs. Certified in dogs. I'll speak my mind no matter what. Be nice or get lost.
Agree.....and if Trump was dirty..that makes Q dirty too. Why warn us at all? Why not let Hillary win? Why isnt what they are doing working? This is all for waking the masses. They must be woken. Do I agree with it? NOPE not one damn bit. if people cant keep their shit together knowing the truth..maybe they shouldnt be on this planet. its not any different than it is now with all the death of the jab and hospitals. So i think its an even KILL! Pun intended. Apparently Q doesnt think so..and i tend to disagree. I THINK allowing this to drag out this long is WRONG and criminal in itself. so yeah..Q is just as dirty as the evil guys..... With that said...ALL I HAVE is Q to hold onto and God. It doesnt matter if i die today or 20 yrs from now..either way its Gods way. BUT that doesnt change how i feel about this shitshow.. And I DO blame Q in this as well. Q has blood on its hands as well. Noone comes out clean on this. I think this shit should have been stopped long before now...