#FamilyIsEverything. APL = 7.1/10 *Authorized conspiracy theorist *Not an authorized preacher.
What do the other books say about Jesus? I remember hearing he is mentioned in most if not all of them but they look at him in different ways. Anyone research this?
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Here is my issue. Is it the word of G*d? Isn't it 'mans' interpretation? Did Jesus write in the book? To me G*d is much much larger than a book. A Creator. His writings can be seen in all living things.
My lack of trust comes from mans interference. I can't even figure out if the Sabbath is on Saturday or Sunday.
So if not G*d then who/why the book(s) has made me search into rabbit holes. CERN, Looking Glass, Barron Trumps Adventure, Mandela, etc. Was it sent back to save humanity. Hurt? Why multiple books/religions?
Just questioning this stuff makes me feel like a bad person. But honestly the more I am questioning this the closer my soul is feeling to G*d. Keeping an open mind and I am going to be exploring the bible more with all your help.

I am an Ultra-Maga Air Force Veteran , 100% Trump Supporter. Been following Q from day one, never gave up, and never will! MARRIED!
Just in case we haven't learned from the obviousness of the way things are around us....let's try to understand maybe for the first time in our lives just HOW CLOSE TO GOD every single human life is.
Believer or not the very basic level of our lives is living proof that God's handiwork created us just as we are and it is SIN in the work that has made impure what God made perfect!
Our DNA was signed by our creator, every aspect of life was made to function from the conscience level to Biological level under his will but willful disobedience to direct command of God detoured our conscious understanding of who we really are!
What they are doing to change our DNA is to crush what remains of God in his creation and make it serve Satan's will instead!

ALL IN!! 🪞The Truth Will Set You Free 🪞 👨👩👧👦 Family Is Everything 👨👩👧👦 🇺🇸 WWG1WGA 🇺🇸 🦅 MAGA 🦅
100% agree with you VK! I have been questioning since I was a child -- I knew it then. And have been questioning very seriously for the last 10+ years.
WHAT most of us don't know about G*d is MUCH BETTER than what we think we know. The more truth I *INNER*stand the more I love others, and especially love our Divine Creator

Nurse! Grammy! Patriot! :) Spreader of information #WWG1WGA #DigitalSoldier :)

From tropical waters to desert sands to temperate farmland. Imperfect child of God. #MAGA, #Savethechildren, WWG1WGA, Trump 19th POTUS.
keep an open heart rather than mind. for it is in faith that we hand of the absence of undertanding or need to understand to the Holy Trinity. The gift of salvation came with Jesus and the Holy Spirit that dwells in each of our heart and souls - not our minds.
For me one of Jewish roots but know practice, sought my roots as an adult. To learn I went to the Orthodox Jews but I still didnt see where Christ didnt make the mesiah check list. with so much junk and hodge podge amongst christian faiths my search contnued until I found the Eastern Orthodox Christians steeped in in unwavering faith teaching humility and forgivenesss even the clergy who marry and have families. who teach from the old testiment with the new testiment for all humanity. If youve never visited a service do so just for the historic lesson and beauty of song and art.

Old school Finnish patriot, succesfully avoided social media so far, hence no hashtags, love animals, pure-blood, αγαπάω την Κρήτη 🇫🇮🇬🇷
This just puts into words my "complicated" relationship with religion and God/Creator and spiritual leaders. Too much man made interfierence. So far just trust my gut instinct and Universe and looking forward to learn more...

Nurse! Grammy! Patriot! :) Spreader of information #WWG1WGA #DigitalSoldier :)

“I would rather die on my feet then live on my knees”
If history has been altered, as many claim, to suit the needs of evil, one would think the book of morales has also been altered to suit their needs.

🇺🇸 WWG1WGA 🇺🇸 Be still and know that I am God. Ps 46:10
Noticed this is an older post but an iimportant one. Glad it is revisited. I believe in the Bible but also think some texts may have been intentionally changed. Up until the last 2 years I would dare not question anything about the Bible texts or the authority of the church. Not anymore! Feeling free from the weight of dogmas, guilt and fear. Freedom to connect to God directly is beautiful. Am keeping an open heart/mind. Everyone has a differnt journey.

I AM an optimist. I AM here for our children. Following Q since the first drop. I Trust the Plan. #Family is Everything. #LOVE wins.
It was God that led me to search into rabbit holes.

Titus Flavius Josephus c. 37 – c. 100) was a first-century Romano-Jewish historian & military leader. When I was teaching religious instruction to 13-14 year old kids, I tried to convince them that Jesus is real. I read that Josephus had written about Jesus. At that time, it was told that Josephus verified the life of Jesus historically. I don't think the internet tells the same story now --big surprise.
A very spiritual/religious, knowledgeable friend told me to try this with a Bible when I would like an answer to a question: pray & then open the Bible to a random page & my eyes might fall on the answer. Indeed, I was awestruck by some of my answers.
Something else I did when I was wondering what book to read, was to ask God to lead me to the book He wanted me to read.
My experiences have given me a peace that although I'd like answers to EVRYTHIHG, it's enough for me to know God is always with us.

I AM an optimist. I AM here for our children. Following Q since the first drop. I Trust the Plan. #Family is Everything. #LOVE wins.
I suspect God may be the one that has been with me always, in the wind as it brushes my cheek, in the numbers that flirt and catch my attention, bringing a smile, far too many times and unique circumstances to be brushed off as coincidence. It is the same energy that guides my intuition and Best choices.
Long ago in Macau I asked a question and that the Answer would come in the result, so I made a bet that I heard in my mind that was quick, clear and then it happened, then another and another, I was hearing/seeing the result before it happened, it was a bit scary, drew too much attention and I stopped. I had my Answer.
Recently in dark bitter pain.. powerful energy stepping in, wrapping and rocking me in waves of love. It is the same essence in the warm brown eyes of my doG and I have felt this essence in the eyes of a man I love, and so many other places... this is just my personal experience. Always avoided study of and affiliation with religions.

one world undivided with liberty and justice for all https://twitter.com/verndewd https://www.bitchute.com/channel/UnlManuURgPw/
the image of God is a God and we were created thusly. the canonized interpretation makes slaves not Gods who choose love or hate as the principality, yeah ive researched a lot

I AM an optimist. I AM here for our children. Following Q since the first drop. I Trust the Plan. #Family is Everything. #LOVE wins.
that is the vibe that turned me off ... put us down, fear, one above another vibes.. "makes slaves not Gods"

The entire Old Testament reveals Jesus through types, shadows, prophecies. Look up Chuck Missler’s The Christmas Story Part 1 & 2 on YT. Just watched them today. He gets into the languages of both Hebrew & NT Greek. I couldn’t even begin to explain ot all cuz I need to rewatch them about 3 more times. The Mazzaroth (Hebrew word for Zodiac) tells the story of Jesus. The meanings of the names of his ancestry from Luke’s account tells the story of Jesus. The geneology of Jesus in Matthew Ch 1 Gematria all add up to 7s. There’s so many more ways The OT tells the story of Jesus so IDC who says they screwed up our Bible. If they did, then God was STILL able to encode all the stuff I just mentioned and more even with man or devils or aliens or whoever trying to muck it up. If you’ve never listened to Chuck, you’ll like him. Makes youREALLY think. Hundreds of hours on YT. He connects all the Bible together like no one I’ve ever seen.

The entire Old Testament reveals Jesus through types, shadows, prophecies. Look up Chuck Missler’s The Christmas Story Part 1 & 2 on YT. Just watched them today. He gets into the languages of both Hebrew & NT Greek. I couldn’t even begin to explain ot all cuz I need to rewatch them about 3 more times. The Mazzaroth (Hebrew word for Zodiac) tells the story of Jesus. The meanings of the names of his ancestry from Luke’s account tells the story of Jesus. The geneology of Jesus in Matthew Ch 1 Gematria all add up to 7s. There’s so many more ways The OT tells the story of Jesus so IDC who says they screwed up our Bible. If they did, then God was STILL able to encode all the stuff I just mentioned and more even with man or devils or aliens or whoever trying to muck it up. If you’ve never listened to Chuck, you’ll like him. Makes youREALLY think. Hundreds of hours on YT. He connects all the Bible together like no one I’ve ever seen.

The entire Old Testament reveals Jesus through types, shadows, prophecies. Look up Chuck Missler’s The Christmas Story Part 1 & 2 on YT. Just watched them today. He gets into the languages of both Hebrew & NT Greek. I couldn’t even begin to explain ot all cuz I need to rewatch them about 3 more times. The Mazzaroth (Hebrew word for Zodiac) tells the story of Jesus. The meanings of the names of his ancestry from Luke’s account tells the story of Jesus. The geneology of Jesus in Matthew Ch 1 Gematria all add up to 7s. There’s so many more ways The OT tells the story of Jesus so IDC who says they screwed up our Bible. If they did, then God was STILL able to encode all the stuff I just mentioned and more even with man or devils or aliens or whoever trying to muck it up. If you’ve never listened to Chuck, you’ll like him. Makes youREALLY think. Hundreds of hours on YT. He connects all the Bible together like no one I’ve ever seen.

When Jesus ascended into Heaven he left 11 + 1 Apostles standing there, not a book. If it were about the Book then why Jesus. The Book came through the Church and was made official in the 390's over 360 years after Pentecost. The Book is PART of the story, a large part, but not the only part. The Church was formed through the Didache text and through the mind of the Church the Book came.

I believe the most important thing is your personal relationship with God. The Word of God is the living word, not like any other book. You can read a scripture on one day and weeks later read the same scripture and it takes the meaning deeper, more profound. The word of God “speaks” to your innermost being.

I AM an optimist. I AM here for our children. Following Q since the first drop. I Trust the Plan. #Family is Everything. #LOVE wins.
I am discovering this more and more within.

If asking questions makes you bad then a lot of us are bad . We have been lied to about every thing . They have hidden books from us , why ? I believe we should question every thing . I can not wait to find the truth out about every thing . Does your heart have good or evil intentions ? God knows your heart . I think you know the truth please tell.

Daughter of the Most High***Child of Light** Warrior
Hi VK! Hope you had a wonderful Christmas!
I’m a little reluctant to comment on this post, for the mere fact that I totally hate being thrown into the “religious-category.” Simply put, I have a relationship with the God who breathes His very life into my soul, who’s name literally is written in my DNA. The Bible is not just one book, but 66 books from different authors. I do believe that there are more. Books have been hidden or captured, such as the book of Enoch, referred to many times in both old & New Testament. Setting aside my own personal accounts, revelations & spiritual encounters, there is a plethera of evidence; from fulfulled prophecy, archeological discovery, as well as, so much scientific evidence it’s impossible to fit it into 1000 characters. From the Garden, it was told of “One coming who would crush the serpents head.” Quite literally it’s ALWAYS been about Him! HIS-story, HISTORY! You see, “it’s” not just Gods word, He is the WORD! “In the beginning was the Word”

Daughter of the Most High***Child of Light** Warrior
-Cont. “In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word WAS God; and the Word became flesh and dwelt among men…”Interesting that every Jewish feast reference's Jesus in some way. For instance Passover and the application of the Lambs blood. Jesus is also called the “Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.” Psalm 22, Isaiah & others prophesied in detail of a servent who would endure crucifixion, thousands of years before it became Romes choice form of capital punishment. Jesus was literally quoting scripture as He uttered, “My God my God why have you forsaken me?” FULFILLING it! Isn’t it ironic, above the arches in the main arcade of the Dome of the Rock there’s an inscription: “God has no Son!” I mean of all things and in their most holy place, they feel the need to write that? There is so much evidence, the very few things that I’ve been able share here is like a drop of water in the ocean, going all the way back to the start when war broke out in heaven.

President: Donald J. Trump. The Corp. Never Ever give up. WWG1WG1 And above all Trust God. Pray often.

Working to stay on the good path in a good way. #SaveTheChildren. I love God the Creator, Source of all, be positive my frens and manifest.
here's some bits & pieces of history
or maybe another narative lie
or pieces of truth...
hoping for more to come,
feels like soon.
but always 1st#SaveTheChildren

Yes it is the Word of God dictated to whatever scribes over centuries. He wtote every word. Every bit is Divine and deep with spiritual meaning. The entire Bible is all by and about Jesus, the Divine Human. His birth is predicted in scriptures throughout the books. He is eternal.
Read anything by 18th century seer Emanuel Swedenborg to see this.

I think it’s important to realize that each one of us is at a different point in our spiritual journey.

"Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord" Is1:18;
The Bible is far and away the most extraordinary book on this earth. Eminently defensible from all sorts of perspectives and disciplines. History, archaeology, science, poetic beauty, moral teaching, wisdom, geology; it's prophetic (future proves past?) accomplishments alone set it apart from any other religious or spiritual text.
But God will work with and answer the questions of any sincere seeker of Truth. It was His Holy Spirit that *inspired* each of the 40+ separate authors in their writings and what makes those books written over a span of 1500 years hang together so well as one overall narrative.

"Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord" Is1:18;
The History of Bible Translations | Amazing Discoveries
What is the history behind bible translations? Who are the translators of the bible and can they be trusted? This episode covers the history of Bibles.
"Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord" Is1:18;
My answer to the $60G question about it's trustability *today* as 'the Word of God' is that if God went to the trouble to bring it into existence, watched over it those 1500 years, He *surely* COULD (He's God afterall right?), and logically WOULD watch over it to protect it from ANY undue changes that even Satan himself might attempt to make on it and REGARDLESS of whatEVER changes God allowed to be made He's well able to cause them to still serve his purpose .... "End of discussion" ... God is GOD afterall.

We live in Montana. We are Patriots. WWG1WGA.
In the beginning there was no saturday or sunday, just the ordinaters of heaven.

The World is changing and I'm on the Transition Team! Trump Won and even better God Wins ~ Once In A Lifetime
God sure is every where and the signs are a beautiful thing.

A work in progress! #Christ Consciousness #SaveOurChildren #WWG1WGAWW
I look forward to hearing more. So far, your thoughts pretty much echo my own. Not so easy to talk about to most religious people, though.

✝️⚖️🇺🇸 🐸 God is my King, Trump is my President. I talk to animals. Mom of 5, Grandma of 15. Grafter of trees.
Humans have a way of adding their own feelings which to me could influence interpretation... I talk to God directly, no middleman, I even say my own prayers/TY’s when someone else is saying a prayer to make sure what I want said is said. I know a few bible verses and i have read and researched some but I much prefer a direct conversation with God.
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