#FamilyIsEverything. APL = 7.1/10 *Authorized conspiracy theorist *Not an authorized preacher.
What do the other books say about Jesus? I remember hearing he is mentioned in most if not all of them but they look at him in different ways. Anyone research this?
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#FamilyIsEverything. APL = 7.1/10 *Authorized conspiracy theorist *Not an authorized preacher.
Here is my issue. Is it the word of G*d? Isn't it 'mans' interpretation? Did Jesus write in the book? To me G*d is much much larger than a book. A Creator. His writings can be seen in all living things.
My lack of trust comes from mans interference. I can't even figure out if the Sabbath is on Saturday or Sunday.
So if not G*d then who/why the book(s) has made me search into rabbit holes. CERN, Looking Glass, Barron Trumps Adventure, Mandela, etc. Was it sent back to save humanity. Hurt? Why multiple books/religions?
Just questioning this stuff makes me feel like a bad person. But honestly the more I am questioning this the closer my soul is feeling to G*d. Keeping an open mind and I am going to be exploring the bible more with all your help.
Hi VK! Hope you had a wonderful Christmas!
I’m a little reluctant to comment on this post, for the mere fact that I totally hate being thrown into the “religious-category.” Simply put, I have a relationship with the God who breathes His very life into my soul, who’s name literally is written in my DNA. The Bible is not just one book, but 66 books from different authors. I do believe that there are more. Books have been hidden or captured, such as the book of Enoch, referred to many times in both old & New Testament. Setting aside my own personal accounts, revelations & spiritual encounters, there is a plethera of evidence; from fulfulled prophecy, archeological discovery, as well as, so much scientific evidence it’s impossible to fit it into 1000 characters. From the Garden, it was told of “One coming who would crush the serpents head.” Quite literally it’s ALWAYS been about Him! HIS-story, HISTORY! You see, “it’s” not just Gods word, He is the WORD! “In the beginning was the Word”

President: Donald J. Trump. The Corp. Never Ever give up. WWG1WG1 And above all Trust God. Pray often.

Daughter of the Most High***Child of Light** Warrior
-Cont. “In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word WAS God; and the Word became flesh and dwelt among men…”Interesting that every Jewish feast reference's Jesus in some way. For instance Passover and the application of the Lambs blood. Jesus is also called the “Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.” Psalm 22, Isaiah & others prophesied in detail of a servent who would endure crucifixion, thousands of years before it became Romes choice form of capital punishment. Jesus was literally quoting scripture as He uttered, “My God my God why have you forsaken me?” FULFILLING it! Isn’t it ironic, above the arches in the main arcade of the Dome of the Rock there’s an inscription: “God has no Son!” I mean of all things and in their most holy place, they feel the need to write that? There is so much evidence, the very few things that I’ve been able share here is like a drop of water in the ocean, going all the way back to the start when war broke out in heaven.

Daughter of the Most High***Child of Light** Warrior
It’s so much easier to talk, have a verbal conversation, I suck at typing!
Call me lol! 😂 📞 ☎️