The conundrum of the present moment: the prospect of freedom of thought, liberation from lies and mind control, removal of economic slavery has never been closer. But the actuality of the moment is painful to endure — a sense of total alienation from the dying part of society.

We must prepare to let the refusenicks go. Hanging on to them is the same as drowning with a non swimmer. They made their choice.

Discernment is critical.
Yes, a choice made through ignorance ... it breaks my heart to know i will lose them ... they still are fens and family.

The soul is eternal. They get to try again. They are simply not ready to move up.

Discernment is critical.
True, just wanted them to come along.

I tried for 16 years to awaken people. I have learned that you cannot change their path or you could be forcing them into a much worse outcome. We must all follow our own choices. You cannot be sovereign if you follow. Hope that makes sense. I am not good at explaining in a way that all understand. I am often perceived as mean or brutal. I am just direct.
No, you're good. I do understand, thanks.
Another way of saying it (that I've heard) is we all must experience life, "we can't live someone else's life for them, they must do it for themselves."

Yes that is the same. To go a little further. In my opinion we are souls living in a body in this lifetime. Our current age is not a measure of our soul age. We have reached a state of experience that is required for the next level of awareness. To come with us would probably not go well. We are going to witness things they are not able to comprehend or process. Does that make sense?

Discernment is critical.
Perhaps in the future, but while on this planet I do believe they would understand all that we have seen ... although it might be very shocking, I think they could handle the concepts from reptiles to time travel. Most that I know are really good souls, just uninformed.