Some men go out and do dangerous things on behalf of noble causes… and don't come back. That's not my calling in life, and probably not yours either. It's not a problem — we all have different jobs to do in this world. You're not a wuss if you take up arms with a keyboard instead of a gun.
I am guessing that at some point my own work will end up being valued widely and maybe even be commercially valuable. My photo art is mine, and that's to feed my family. I cannot in good conscience make a fortune off my writing, though. Anything above what I need has to go for the benefit of those who kept me safe enough to write, and the children of those who didn't come back.
Indeed, the real need I see ahead is a lot of stand-in parenting and care for traumatised kids (just the masks and schools as death camps is going to be bad enough). It is work that has to be done personally, lovingly, individually. Goodbye to an abhorrent society based on hoarding wealth and abusing others.

Trained to Kill, Born to Save! Riding Shotgun with The Don while we smoke out the rats!
Perfectly stated My Friend. 😎👍
Martin, feel free to modify and customize my work here and give it away for free when you are done Brother! Everyone else, you are free to do the same! ❤️
Prevention Frontiers Inc
Download - Magic Bullets in Real
US Navy veteran, live in caregiver for my 99 yo Mother, Nana and Great Nana
Very well stated fellow patriot. We are here on this platform on this day with the spirit of God flowing through us to find the truth, discern it and to spread it out to others. That is a calling from God that is most important. We, like many others have spent our lives in our own little cocoons, raising our kids, working, playing and not really connecting with the world at large. Now, suddenly, we have been shocked into the awareness that our entire world and all humanity have been enslaved for thousands of years. Those of us who are awake must be ready to help those still asleep. The awakening process is not easy. Thank you for your posts and for your insight.

Woman of God, believe in common sense, love the USA, and also PRESIDENT TRUMP!!!
Yes thank you, I just can't stop thinking about the sweet children who have been traumatized because of power and gredd. May God bless us all and help us to realize we all can hekp out in one way or another