Il Donaldo Trumpo
đź Sick, disgusting, vomitus & horrific as Hillary Clinton is
sheâs only the tip
of the deep state demon-pedophile,
child trafficking-slave market-sex slave,
adrenochrome-organ harvesting-sacrificing-torturing
child blood transfusions to old demon
â ď¸ âFRAZZLEDRIP is the purported file name
of a snuff film found on the laptop of
Anthony Weiner in a folder named âlife insurance.â
It was said to make even the most hardened
New York City Police veterans cry.
It is said to show Wienerâs wife, Huma & Hillary Clinton
performing satanic ritual abuse
on a young girl.
Surgically removing her face
& wearing it as a mask
to flood the victimâs bloodstream with adrenaline.
Blood drunk in this state is an eliteâs drug of choice
called adrenochrome.â
You are ready.
Prepare for the storm.
US Navy veteran, live in caregiver for my 99 yo Mother, Nana and Great Nana
One of the saddest scriptures in Genesis the 6th chapter:
"The Lord saw how great the wickedness of the human race had become on the earth, and that every inclination of the thoughts of the human heart was only evil all the time. The Lord regretted that he had made human beings on the earth, and his heart was deeply troubled. So the Lord said, âI will wipe from the face of the earth the human race I have createdâand with them the animals, the birds and the creatures that move along the groundâfor I regret that I have made them.â
And yet, His Son Jesus volunteered to come to earth as a man and to live among us. He came to open our hearts to TRUTH. He gave His life to pay the pardon for all of our sins even up to this very day. God so loved the world that He gave His Only Son up to die on the cross as the final sacrifice for all humanity. How God can continue to love us is way above our understanding. There is nothing God won't do to save us. NCSWIC
Looking forward to the day we heal our wounds and live in Peace,Love and Unity as we were meant to.
This whole life and everything in it is just a blink of the eye. It's reality is not real as we in this physical body interpret it to be. God = Everything. Knows the beginning and the end.
Can it feel intense? Yes! But it's all an illusion and is not the real you.
The physical form creates all this fear which makes people angry, but our eternal self does not experience fear the same way as here as this type of pain is only when you have a physical body.
The opposite of Love to our eternal self or 'soul' is 'painful' but some hone the skill of pain, in the physical and so can become 'desensitized' from the pain or 'evil,' of the 'opposite of love' in the spiritual.
But God created All and is All. God is with us always and knows always what is happening and will happen. God claims all responsibility always.
Our passion to exhibit earthly 'love' is beautiful in it's purest, selfless form. It's inspirational and feels physically good. It uplift all energy and Angels.
We are in a Roll, like in a movie. 'Playing a roll.' We just don't know it fully until we leave this physical body. Will our eternal self 'soul' be affected by our life in this physical body? Yes. Our eternal self or 'soul' rejoins with God or Creator and there is where you're processed. Some call it 'judged.' When there I learned to maintain a 'stay' you must be able to maintain a high vibration of pure love but we are not the same in our 'eternal self' form. We feel emotions times 10, (not the physical type of emotions brought about by the fear of physical pain but pure eternal self, 'soul', emotions or feelings/vibrations) and what we radiate, we will judge ourselves. God wants ALL of us to be HOME.