This whole special CNN is doing to try and trash Q is just going to make it stronger than ever. Especially when the big reveal(s) comes. Basically free advertising. Streisand effect.
SeaChelle Gramma, Christ follower, Constitutional Conservative, artist
when I "woke up" at the beginning of fauxvid, I had to wade through some weird shit to reach the island of truth. It made me sick, when I realized the horror of the true world. I had a heart attack. literally, July1, 2020 at 52 yrs old.
Sorry, glad u made it past the heart attack.
SeaChelle Gramma, Christ follower, Constitutional Conservative, artist
thank you. I'm weak, and need to push my recovery harder, but live in Weashington State, no job, lockdowns, no sun.
Heard about this site from Santasurfing. I am a Clothing Designer & Fit Officianado:. Going on deep dives, hitting head Rabbit Holes.
Checking in. Hope you are strengthening up! 🙏🏻🦅♥️