V FOR VENDETTA came out in 2005, takes place in the year 2020 and is about a dystopian future where totalitarian autocratic pedophiles gain power by releasing a fake virus and use it to rule through fear and oppression of human dignity & civil rights. The media pushes a constant government controlled propaganda stream of safety and security “for your own protection” at the expense of Liberty.
It pre-described the exact scenario we are in right now with frighteningly exact detail. The power structure controlling the false narrative behind the scenes is even a trilateral commission comprised of church + state + finance (Rome/DC/London).
The Grand Finale ends with fireworks and a Great Awakening to the corrupt fascist dictatorship as the elite cabalist substructure secretly controlling society is dismantled by anonymous people wearing Guy Fawkes masks!
Past Predicts Future - Future Proves Past ⤵️
It’s really interesting to me that The Wachowskis directed both V for Vendetta and the Matrix movies. Obviously someone knows they are right for these projects and they were producers as well as directors. Could they have been part of the plan? Also another executive producer of both V and Matrix is Joel Silver. He was also producer of Lethal Weapon, with Mel Gibson. Could he be a white hat producer? Or maybe both The Wachowskis and Joel Silver are just “seers”.