Love can build a bridge. Looking for individuals to help with construction. Contact your local We are ready centers to join.

Ok it is time.

I will prove those who are Q
Gematria will back me up.
If you do not wish to know please unfollow me.
You have a choice, you always have.

I ask if you see this you forward it so all those who wish not to know can unfollow.
I will not post again until Friday.
That will be the day you wake up for real.
God bless you all no matter what you choose.

I still believe in the goodness and generosity of the American people. I love my country and will always STAND for GOD, Family and Freedom.

In response John Qpublic to his Publication

I just want the truth which seems to be so hard to get these days. I am tired of the games . . . the acting . . . the movie . . . I am totally confused this week . . . who is the good guy . . . who is the bad guy . . . who is a black hat and a white hat . . . I am sick of it all.
All I know is people are dying and families are divided and whoever is responsible for it all can burn for eternity in hell because I really don't care about anyone who would bring this king of human suffering onto the earth.

Mama, Wife & Truther who wants to go Home to Real Space. Love my family & freedom. I am old(er) and have no patience for deception. MPL=10.

In response Hope Always888 to her Publication

i hear you and i feel the same most of the time now. yes - who is who. i've never been one who is that good at figuring out who is the good actor or who is the bad actor in movies. that's why i began watching foreign films about 20 years ago - none of the hollywood deception (overall that is). yes - the suffering. enough. this may be a movie being displayed - but behind the scenes are real people and real suffering - especiallyl the children (those whose parents ignorantly put the poke in their beautiful bodies). that's where i draw the line.

yes, it kind of defeats the whole process of saving kids from traffickers yet we are willing to jab them and kill them or harm their bodies . . . I will never understand. Never.

In response Victoria ~ Z Skywalker to her Publication

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Mama, Wife & Truther who wants to go Home to Real Space. Love my family & freedom. I am old(er) and have no patience for deception. MPL=10.

In response Hope Always888 to her Publication

i have had the exact. same. thought.