"Unmasked Karen demands the stewardess move an ‘unvaxxed’ man who sat in the seat next to hers because she 'doesn't want to breathe his oxygen' although I'm sure he will only be producing carbon dioxide.
The LEGENDARY pilot comes in and tells her his flight DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE and tells her to leave the plane."
~ TommyRobinsonOfficial
Jesus is my Savior. Love my husband & America. Dog lover. RN. Constitutional conservative. Love Trump. Followed by Flynn on Twitter.
Ironically she is in the "safe" seat sitting next to an
un- injected person. 🤣😅
The flight attendant should inform her that since she is vaccinated then her vaccine should work to keep her "safe." So she obviously does not think HER vaccine is working to prevent her from "catching" something in his "oxygen." 🤔