Catholic Christian Remnant, Pure Blood, Mother, Wife, Business Owner, Son of Liberty Rebel Patriot, Trump Won, God Wins
The police are mostly vaccinated so under mind control like most of the doctors at this point. How sad

I have no insider knowledge, so I walk by faith alone.
the old image of the brave cops defending the towntrodden people is a thing of the past.
they have been unmasked as just people in fancy dress, with no greater spine than anyone else.

Gramma, Patriot, stained glass artist. GOD BLESS THE USA !!!
Bought and paid, these bastards need to be arrested!

🤬Commie Pigs!

Excommunicated explorer examining experienced existence; extrapolating exhibited expectations.
They are NOT law enforcement, they are policy enforcers (ie mercenaries). If Sheriffs would do their damn job this is where they would come in and arrest those violating the people's rights.
Unfortunately though, we have ZERO real LAW enforcement, where even the ones who appear to be on the right side refuse to do their jobs.

“The greatest cover up in history, is history.” "An illusion it will be, so large, so vast it will escape their perception. "
These aren't Police, they're Goons.

I Dont Know If This Movie Is Supposed To Get Us To Hate Cops? From What I Am Seeing, Its Getting Real Easy! My Dad Was A Philly Cop In The 60s And When I, As His Daughter Wanted To Follow Him My Cousins And Uncles, They All Said, There Is Alot Of Corrupt Ones! I Really Didnt Believe Them! I Am Getting It Now!

Get your children out of that school and organise private lessons!

now you sue them by going after their insurance company that's how you do it

I’m in Texas. Where did this happen and what is the context behind it??? I will fet to the bottom of this SHIT!!!

there is no shame.. period.

This is completely illegal and charges against the school board need to be filed. This must go viral!