I was told by the girl giving shots at Walgreens this terrifying story.
They put your name into the computer.
The computer tells them which lot number to give you.

my special needs brother had the shot (not sure when but i was told "oh yeah he got it") & he passed away Last Sunday with multiple cardiac arrests. My heart is broken but theres a fire in me that is engulfing me ESPECIALLY since finding out a pharmacist went to all the group homes that particular provider had & administered the shot. After my response when told, the manager started back peddling saying "well I don't know if your brother got it or not, when the pharmacist arrived he administered it to those who wanted it". UMMM did you explain the dangers of the vax to my MENTALLY challenged brother? Did the pharmacist? Did you and your staff do your research before administering the killer vax? Was it mandatory for a vax for him to continue living there? was then told technically she can't give me info and I was like too late you already told me he got the vax. My poor brother was in that hospital alone, scared, going through this. I AM LIVID
🙏So sorry!

thank you