Misna Burelli
3 years ago

Misna Burelli

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So, let me get this straight: you son is autistic, your husband has been on multiple medications for many years, but the lawn-pesticide-truck frequently parks in front of your house because it’s very important to have a really good-looking lawn. This is the state of humanity in a nutshell.

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So many people are struggling with pollen allergies right now. But why? There were no allergies 100 years ago. The latest theories are telling us that we live in environments that are too clean. I doubt that. The immune system is generally way too sophisticated to be thrown off balance by a lack or an overabundance of germs. It has a million feedback loops and doesn’t make mistakes. Allergies should be impossible unless the immune system has been tricked into attacking the wrong things. How would that be possible? Easy: we use vaccines to try to teach the immune system "our version" of what to attack. Overlap with the wrong thing? Immune system becoming ramped up way too much? No problem, that's just called an allergy.

Some scientists, such as Hahnemann, established this general rule: the more acute, short-lived and self-limiting a disease, the more likely it is that it is beneficial. Maybe, if we would allow children to go through beneficial diseases with all the caution and medical support that is appropriate, we could reduce incidents of chronic illnesses such as cancer, heart disease, autoimmune diseases, ADHD or even depression? Wouldn’t that be worthwhile exploring?

Where is the Flu part 4

Our magnetic/emotional fields are located in our heart. Succussion of the blood carries the field everywhere in our body. We can often feel other people's fields and their emotions. This is not strange but expected. It is the interaction of the magnetic fields.

We need to watch the magnetic fields. Why are humans so unaware of this powerful force? Birds can read magnetic fields. Whales orient themselves through magnetic fields. I have heard stories of horses being able to determine which homeopathic remedy (a magnetic field) is good for them. They pick up the right one from a choice of several. But many of us are sensitive to magnetic fields as well, we just don’t make the connection when certain things happen.

It's about risk versus opportunity. Mother Nature wants the best for all of us but we often don't notice. Understanding the laws of creation and living within them will help you reach your greatest potential...

Where do they hide the most important secrets? Where you are not supposed to look! How come that there was an international homeopathic conference over this weekend that wasn’t noticed by anyone outside the field? Because they managed to put tinfoil hats on everyone who attends these events.

But what if I told you that the British Royals have been using homeopathy for decades? It’s not even a secret but you have never heard them speak of it. Look it up. Homeopathy is energy medicine and can help heal deep illness/damage by influencing your field. The presentations were full of such examples.

Many posts here have been discussing the possibilities of energy medicine. But you didn’t know that it was right in front of you. In the form of strange blue tubes available in the vitamin section. Learn how to use them. Join a group. I’m sure that energy medicine will be improved in the future but for now it’s a start.


Did you know that every disease has a mental, an emotional, and a physical part to it? Yes, even the flu. And also covid. Together, the mental, emotional and physical aspects of a disease form a picture that we call "totality of symptoms". Why is this important? Because sometimes only the mental/emotional part shows, such as in a strep infection which presents as PANDAS. But it is still a strep infection. Understanding this will give you better options for treatment and can help you avoid being sucked in by the guys that are running the pharmaceutical industry. The ones who give out drugs like candy without being interested in true healing.

Take away their power. Learn about how the body generates many symptoms for your benefit. This way you will start to understand how health really works.

Drop the fear. Understand the bigger plan. Learn how Mother Nature truly cares for you. Learn about energy shifts. Everything is connected.


"It is the first time in recorded history, at least 100 years, there have been zero seasonal flu deaths in Washington. Last season, 114 deaths from flu were reported in the state."


Santa Surfing picked up on this too! Just see for yourself!

Where is the Flu? Part 1.

People assume there is no flu this year because we are all wearing masks. Really? The truth about how "similar" and "dissimilar" diseases influence each other has been known for a long time. It's no secret. Our biggest mistake is to work against Mother Nature instead of with Mother Nature. Learn the rules and drop the fear!

True story today from NPR. A woman is calling into the “ask the doctor” program to say that she’s a teacher and has been double masking with a face shield for the last few months. She got the first dose of the vaccine and is now asking the doctor if she should be taking off one of the layers. If it is safe to do so. Predictably the doctor is giving a lecture about minimizing all risks and recommends to keep doing what she’s doing, especially if it makes her feel safe. I wonder what her students can learn from her…

To face reality will be ugly and difficult and shocking to many. There will be grief and anger. But this ugliness will all be necessary to move to a higher level of consciousness. The best thing you can do is to help with this movement of trying to wake up people and then be there for them and support them through the process of recognition. Let’s wake them up so that we can all permanently improve our collective field as a human civilization. Pray. With God’s help we will move through this together.

It’s all about the fields. We create our reality. I don’t want to sound negative, but it won’t be enough to just teach everyone to be positive, loving and kind without teaching reality as it currently is and dealing with it. Awareness is key and higher consciousness can only be obtained by going through a process of recognition. Grief, anger, fear and pain might all have to be part of it. The majority of people are just not aware. Their field is not ready. The just-be-kind philosophy has been taught in schools for the last few decades creating a head-in-the-sand mentality. It’s true, many just try to survive and that’s reality too. The kindness vibes feel good initially. It relieves you of responsibility. You don’t need courage. But with this attitude we can never change anything. It’s like an artificial fake field. For the best outcome we need to collectively wake up and face reality.

Pay attention to the fields. The fields create our reality. What is a magnetic/gravitational field? What is a magnet? Let’s make a magnet. Put an iron bar on the ground and don’t change its position relative to the earth's magnetic field. Take a hammer and hit it hard for a while. The magnetic domains will get rearranged by the vibration to align with the earth’s magnetic field. So, you made a magnet (ferromagnetism). Why is this important? Everything is magnetic!! (ferromagnetic, paramagnetic, diamagnetic or anti-ferromagnetic) You can make a magnetized water solution the same way by shaking/vibrating it. Why is this important? What is your heartbeat? Why is your heart shaking your blood? Why is your heart your emotional center? What is heartache? It’s not physical. You know it in your heart. The more you know the better prepared you will be. Rethink everything.

Have been checking this White House webcam quite frequently. Today it is showing this⬇️⬇️ Anyone else seeing this?

This "president's schedule" is from yesterday but it looks similar today...here is the website and from what I learned it used to work for Trump. Was that in fact the case?

This program about abused teens is on npr right now. Is there a shift occuring?
