I always wondered why church is in a building that blocks off God’s creations.
You step into nature and you literally feel God.
But then I remembered that freemasons are deceiving little bastards and it all makes sense.

🇺🇸 WWG1WGA 🇺🇸 Be still and know that I am God. Ps 46:10
When the churches closed down last year, and then opened up with 50 people entry, social distancing, mandatory masks and treating people like they are diseased, it was a moment of truth that no wonder Jesus largely preached outdoors in nature. He knew where it was all headed. Protect the buildings, destroy the souls.

Guilty of taking my FREEDOM for granted! Awoken 12/19. Much love and appreciation to all. WWG1WGA 🙏🇺🇲💕 Peace & Love 😊
I went to a Church once when I was 10, and got scared half out of my mind. People who supposedly "felt" God
(Holy Spirit?), were yelling, rolling on the floor, talking gibberish, and praising the Pastor as if he was God. Even at 10, I knew something was wrong. Thinking back now it seems rather demonic, and definitely not about God at all. I'm Grateful I had the sense to never go back.
I too, feel most connected to God in nature. 😊
God Bless All. 💚

churches are literally the definition of breaking the first amendment. acting like people need to go through a church to talk to God is an evil lie. there is no way that this is beneficial. everyone has direct connection to God. anyone interfering with that is committing an evil sin.
nature is Gods only church

I Love Christ, My Family and My Country 💗Let Love Lead You💗
If they could keep GOD in a box make him dyfsfunctional then they could keep us in a box and dysfunctioal as well. blew the roof off that box decades ago! The fall was our disconnecting from GOD and thinking wrong thoughts until our countenance became Low. Genesis speaks of this with Cain wrong thought a lower vibration keeps us seperated! I say rise up and stop giving our Power and Birthright away....WE are so loved💗

I was FlyAnon on Twitter and Gab... Supports Trump, Transparency, Q, Rule of Law and Disclosure of Crime in Government.

Nana, Direct Internal connection to God, WWG1WWA, MAGA, Angels are here already #FightLikeGodIsBesideYou
Nana will be your 17 again!
satan's,(always with a little "s" because Nana refuses to give him ANY power)biggest fear has always been that we would remember our power &direct connection to God/Source/Creator what ever name you give him because he knew that once we did his days would be numbered & his reign over Earth would be over.
We, individually, are just as powerful as satan when we fully realize all of the power God gave our souls& together we are much MORE POWERFUL than satan.
It has never been about money or politics, it has always been about "The Great Deception""The False Prophet"scripture is what we have been living for centuries in satan's hell he has manipulated us to see.
God's great experiment here is to see if we souls can join with the earth suit avatars and be able to control the duality of having good & evil inside of us.
Now we will have a fair chance at free will.
satan's rule is over the moment enough of us wake up, not to politics but to our soul's power

I am a Information Treasure Hunter. I was sent to earth to teach Love and Kindness
Me too.
Imagining a new beginning with unconditional LOVE and
damn Lizards pop in my mind

With Trump from the beginning I will be there til the end. God wins! Save our children❤️🚂🇺🇸
Amen outside in nature is God’s Chapel. Priest cannot perform a wedding outside a Catholic Church. Wonder what the significance of that is?

SC is home... Patriot mom fighting for truth and freedom. WWG1WGA
when one realizes that as believers and followers: we are the church, we can gather as 2 or 3 or more in a house, in a tent, in the woods, at a park, or a an office building.

US LEGAL resident alien, WWG1WGA, Out of Darkness into Light. Tallyho!!
Every aspect of our modern lives is designed to distract us from connecting/communicating with Source.

"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28
Jason VanDerpoel
We are The Church, The Holy Tabernacle, The Children of God, we are growing into a flood of The Holy Spirit in this realm. Remember Jesus, Trust in God all-ways, spreading love eve
Discernment is critical.
ALL TRUTH! Comments Too!

Precisely why Jesus Christ was crucified. He taught us how to get closer to God without the necessity of church or religion. These teachings made him public enemy number one. Sounds familiar???

Love God and country, nature lover, No fear only Faith✨✨The Lord is my Shepherd I shall not want♥️
Always wondered why God would let a church be destroyed in a tornado. Perfectly clear now

PATRIOT, TRUMP SUPPORTER, Mom and healer working for a better world. Leave the world a better place than we found it.
i though God was destroying the evil churches and sending messages to the larger ones.

WE are literally the house of God. We’ve had so much conditioning through religion that even though I know this I sometimes forget. My specific background especially:
“God is in the house today”
“Come fill this place Holy Spirit”
“We came here to worship God”
“The (presence, glory, power, anointing, Spirit, etc) of God is here”
All conditioning that you can’t sense God unless you are in that building.
I wish that power of God would literally knock down all those walls while He’s knocking down DC.

The Masons were/are in charge of destroying any buildings that they can't explain away or re-purpose.

I love this! This is so true! My son-in-law, who passed away, used to always say that he didn't need a church he was closest to God in nature. Felt him in my heart while reading this. So true.

WE are the Church!! God is in Us!

“Deceiving little bastards”!! 😂🤣😂🤣
Only followers of this user (@KimDonaldson07) can see their posts

30 yrs ago (next week☺️) my husband and I planned on getting married in our church that literally looks like a spaceship! Then I found this beautiful park with a gazebo surrounded by huge trees, flowers and a lake. I knew I had to get married there. Went back and spoke to the priest who was going to marry us and he said he would not perform the ceremony because “it was not in a house of God”🤔🤔🤔

Wife, Mom, Daughter, Sister, Aunt. Love my Country.
My what an ugly church. So who "performed" the wedding? I need to hear "the rest of the story"!

I stand with President Trump and patriots WW! #GodWins 🙏
He is wherever we are! Being raised Catholic always left me feeling claustrophobic. Years ago, many, I walked out. The people were serious, judgemental and without emotion. Having to pull out my wallet while fist pumping folks, was as fake as it could get. You are definitely right! Especially in nature do I feel him all around me. 🙏❤️

Working to stay on the good path in a good way. #SaveTheChildren. I love God the Creator, Source of all, be positive my frens and manifest.

I trust only the ones I love. I'm a verbal assassin, a #SaveOurChildren sniper. I spread God, Truth and Love. I'M NOT HERE FOR FOLLOWERS..

What was fresh is now rotten Long since gone but never forgotten
there is no house of god
god is everywhere.