WWG1WGA. Jesus is my Savior. Child of God. Trump is the best President EVER!!!
I don't think these people understand. Most at this point who have not consented to the self-extermination experiment, have stayed away because, they know, it is an experiment to see how much of the population they can get to exterminate themselves, while they profit on the self suicide weapon. Most will defend themselves against it as if their life depended on it because the research shows it does. What is it people do not understand about "ALL OF THE ANIMALS DIED". The humans getting jabbed now are the human studies that were never approved for clinical trials because ALL OF THE ANIMALS DIED. They created a fake pandemic to get emergency authorization to perform "experiments" on humans free from liability. Two years those who didn;t get the saline substitute/placebo have according to the scientists UNLESS, the detox that crap out of them ASAP. WE ARE NOT SUBMITTING to this evil agenda. We plan to hold them all accountable for mass genocide.

Recently retired, no longer affiliated with any party. Constitutional patriot listening for God’s word
This is not an experiment!!! It’s euthanasia

Yes. The experiment is testing to see how many and what it takes to get people to perform self-extermination. In the future, in their sick plans, they want to know the formula for being able to request it of any citizen at their whim, for the greater good of course. They believe this frees them from incurring the karma of murder, as the person is freely submitting to kill themselves. Where it gets grey is that they use black magic and spell casting to convince people it is the right thing to do by society, their family, and is safe. They use deception. Where it is not grey is that God tells us to seek out the truth and to not be deceived by evil. Satan is the king of deception and even for those who don't believe it, they are aware of the tale. If they ignore it and submit, is it on their karma then? Not so black and white. Ultimately, it's my understanding the Annunaki came up with these methods for deferring their karma unto the humans and that there will be a reconing. Long story.

I prefer not to use the word euthanasia as it is used for beloved pets. The Jab program is an extermination of the undesirables by the elites. These people who think they are superior for being so accomodating to the request to do good by their households and co-workers don't realize the elites find that to be a nauseating trait. They think anyone who so easily gives control of their body away to others is weak. These traits are undesirable in their "stock". It's why they create Super Soldiers. They want strong and ruthless people at their disposal. Mind you those of us not getting the jab are not ruthless. It's because we know the truth, care the most, because we know the jabbed are shedding a bioweapon unto the populous and we are the strongest because we are having to stand up against a lot of pressure to comply. Pray and thanks be to God for giving us the nurses switching them out with Saline or who are not actually "pushing the injection in".

This whole vaccine madness is a bit beyond my capacity to comprehend. Is it really deadly? Are people actually dying and suffering injury from the vaccine? If that's true and people are still lining up for it, don't they deserve what they get? Or, are there fake (saline) vaccine shots? Are some people being spared? Will people who have had the shot actually have health problems later? Seems like a giant carnival act.

Unapologetic Pre-1871 Constitutionalist, Truth Seeker, Wall Watcher, Warrior of Yeshua and Deplorable Trump Chump. WWG1WGA 🍊
There are actual poisonous shots and placebos. Thats what makes it experimental. There is a control group. We are the mice, rats and guinea pigs at this point. None of it has been approved.

Yup as@gadawg said it's both. The system is hiding the vaccine injuries, adverse effects, and deaths as best they can, not allowing doctors to report them, tampering with the numbers at VAERS, shutting down reporting groups and other social media sites sharing stories. I also just read that Pfiezter made an agreement with the Israeli scientific community to not report on the adverse effects caused by their shot for 10 years. The time is coming up for these demons, Dracos to have to leave earth. They don't want to. They believe, if they give enough human sacrifice and trauma to their evil overlords, they will be given the power to stay in control of the earth for another 1,000 years. They have 3/1/2 left. It won't work for them though no matter how many they sacrifice and no matter how much trauma energy they raise for their overlords to feast on. Do your best to keep yourself and those who will listen safe and sound for the next few years. Pray constantly to walk in the wisdom of God.