Iowa | Retired 28-Year US Army Combat Infantry Veteran | Sheepdog | My Oath Never Ends | #MAGA | #WWG1WGA | Be Strong and Courageous |
He's taking command of Pacific Command (PACOM), which is ground forces, not the Pacific Fleet. The Navy commands that force. This means GEN Flynn's area of responsibility (AOR) is all of the land in the Pacific, not the ocean.

He was approved by Senate under Trump

I so hope this means - Bye Bye CCP. PLA actions will splinter off - under 90,or 90+?

Why would they let that complete theft earlier in stock market if they were in control? starting to lose hope fill me in

#ibelieve All can benefit by living your best balanced life! “Go boldly in the direction of your dreams...live the life you imagined! ♥️🇺🇸
research NESARA/GESARA. Jas to do with taking down the Central Banking System.

Iowa | Retired 28-Year US Army Combat Infantry Veteran | Sheepdog | My Oath Never Ends | #MAGA | #WWG1WGA | Be Strong and Courageous |
Trump is bankrupting the US Corporation. The Alliance (white hats) have confiscated upwards of a quadrillion dollars' worth of assets as they have taken down the Cabal. As@qduck said, research NESARA. That is new, benevolent quantum financial they will roll out once Trump is reinstalled as the 19th President of the Republic of the United States. Have faith; good things are on the horizon. Like any military operation (I've done many over 28 years), the enemy gets a vote and things do not happen perfectly according to a timetable. Hold the light and stay patient. We're going to be OK.

I am a disabled veteran fighting the VA, fighting the NWO/ DS and FIGHTING FOR OUR REPUBLIC. I never quit! Donald Trump Won!
He is not a naval officer there for cannot command a fleet. I think it is the Pacific area of Operations. You may wish to edit.

Iowa | Retired 28-Year US Army Combat Infantry Veteran | Sheepdog | My Oath Never Ends | #MAGA | #WWG1WGA | Be Strong and Courageous |
I indicated the same. The meme is incorrect.

Mama, Wife & Truther who wants to go Home to Real Space. Love my family & freedom. I am old(er) and have no patience for deception. MPL=10.
SPOT ON Truth!

CCP is going down.

A little ditty about Jack & Dian~A🩰🦢#soundoffreedom #familyiseverything #godwins #jfkjr #saveourchildren #trumpismypresident

not him and its not a flattering comparison.....that voyage did not end well for anyone except the banking cartel

William McMaster Murdoch, first officer of Titanic (1912), was born in Dalbeattie, Scotland, on 28 February 1873. Murdoch was the officer in charge on the bridge when Titanic fatally collided with an iceberg. He was also one of the over 1,500 people who died in the disaster.

Please attached the article showing this!! I just checked The Navy Times...and there is no mention of this! https://www.navytimes.com/news/
The Latest News | Navy Times
News about the U.S. Military. Army, Air Force, Navy and Marine Corps.
Jesus Christ is Salvation God bless our President, John-John, Gen Flynn our Military SAVE OUR CHILDREN Gratitude for our HEROES OF HUMANITY
Common sense some lack

Trump supporter,love my country, love horses, love the military, qanon supporter, and love anonup.

Trump supporter,love my country, love horses, love the military, qanon supporter, and love anonup.

lets fuckin goooo

I am just a small account but one that loves our Country and our President, Donald J Trump! God bless America and God bless all the Patriots
Sometimes you just have to show them! They can't see the sky for the trees! God bless Americas and God Bless our President Trump and FLOTUS!!

Is that why Chyna is surrounded; and not just by the US??????

tres bonne question 🤔

tres bonne question 🤔

I heard that Ghislaine Maxwell had a fleet of submarines? She was an instructor? Are there D.U.M.B.S. beneath the Ocean floor??m