Whiplash347 pointed out on Telegram that McDonalds is supplied by KEYSTONE Foods... 8 MAP posts with Keystone in.
The telegram post is essentially pointing to dead bodies of traffickees being disposed of through Keystone Foods into MacDonald's burgers.
Don't eat Mcdonalds. It's not good for you lol

✝️⚖️🇺🇸 🐸 God is my King, Trump is my President. I talk to animals. Mom of 5, Grandma of 15. Grafter of trees.
Haven’t eaten at McDonalds in over 10 years, nasty food, always made me sick.... God had my back. ❤️

Me too, 13 years now. Longer for their pretend beef frankenburgers. It was the chicken for a while prior to the 13 years I hope I never ate children when I did order from there.🤢 I consume as local as possible organically grown fruits, veggies, seeds and nuts, now, learning to nourish on God's love, I can thrive on 400-600 calories a day. We have a secondary digestive system that converts the surrounding energy ( from the same field Telsa tech would tap for free energy) and use it to fuel us. For example, ever notice when high on being in love, or a zone of creative inspiration= (in-spirt-action), all apatite fades away. The second system kicks in in these "en-lightened" states. If you tap the vibration of Universal Love/God in the organic realm, that is always there, you become lighter and are sustained by a different energy source. When I get stressed or tired, then the other system kicks in and I feel hungry.
wow thats awesome ! thanks for sharing ! ❤️