God - Family - Country - Learning and Sharing #WWG1WGA#

Thank you!
I've been telling people this since the 80's!
Primary "American" diet is highly acidic!
Add toxic fertilizers, pesticides, more and more processed foods loaded with artificial chemicals, GMOs, a new horrific energy drink introduced about once a month (or so it seems! WHY do we need energy drinks? Think about this.
Does anyone really think fake food is just being introduced?
McDonalds has been doing it for years!
And who knows how many other fast food chains aren't already serving fake food?
What about excitotoxins in fast food & diet drinks that cause cravings for more drink and more food, let alone what these nasty chemicals do to the cells in our body!
And, YES Trader Joes, you sell a ton of products loaded with MSG under other names! And why do most of your products contain soy protein?
FYI - one of many sites that list MSG aka's

I remember the pediatrician advising soy baby gormula as my child was lacyose intolerant then😡😡😡luckily she didnt like milk at all !

Many of Us are multidimensional Souls living in an infinite Universe. WE are More Powerful than the Oligarchs want us to Believe!
Sadly medical doctors only have a few hours of nutritional training.

We were all born for such a time as this. Glad to be here.
will read
msg is so bad.
also interesting ab trader joes
also notice the art around trader joe’s it is full of symbols that i found disturbing (perhaps overthinking standng in line) would love to know if anyone else sees

Many of Us are multidimensional Souls living in an infinite Universe. WE are More Powerful than the Oligarchs want us to Believe!
I used to advocate to bring a TJs into my area.
Now I shop there for 2-3 products only and do this rarely!
Since the scambemic, they have been the most Nazi place to shop for groceries!
Next to Costco. That's another subject!

To quote my Granny: "I don't understand all I know about it"! But I believe in GOD's Sovereignty. Truth. Light. Love. And His
Wow, just read this article, plus comments section. Extremely important and helpful! Immediately shared with many family and friends. We who are awake are cautious, but the deceit by labels is criminal. FDA alert is needed, if it is not complicit, too. ?

Guilty of taking my FREEDOM for granted! Awoken 12/19. Much love and appreciation to all. WWG1WGA 🙏🇺🇲💕 Peace & Love 😊
Gosh, this sure helps to explain a lot! I quit eating all processed and ready made/restaurant foods nearly 1 1/2 years ago, without realizing what a favor I was doing for my health. Now if I try to eat anything with MSG, GMO's , or processed crap in it, I feel sick the next day! I call it a food hangover because it mimics a alcohol hangover from my younger days with headache, head in a fog, and fatigue. The last time was months ago eating 2 Triscuits.
My diet is pretty bland to most of my friends now, but Im
feeling much healthier, and my body will now kick me in the butt if I dare to test it! 😂
Thank You for posting this. 😊

Still 1000% Patriot & loyalist to Trump(((+)))Team, grateful for their insight, sacrifices, &willingness to return our nation to the people,
yea. i did this 25+ years ago and litterally feel drugged even if i eat a few potatoe chips. food flavored chem products is what they are. out bodies were not created to ingest chemicals just like cattle were not made carnivores, yet it is now what theyre served. hmmm

Many of Us are multidimensional Souls living in an infinite Universe. WE are More Powerful than the Oligarchs want us to Believe!
Almost immediately I bloat like a frog, my head is fuzzy, sometimes my joints hurt and it usually takes 2-3 days to get this shit out of my system!

#God #MAGA #Trump #Flynn #Family #Cats #Horses #Happiness #MyLifeMatters
My 2 grand kids in 20's are both obese. They eat bagged food 3 times a day and have many health issues. I have tried to lure them away and give them cooking lessons and ask them to join me on walks. But society has taught them that being obese is attractive.

i am a bit older.. but adopt me ✋🏻😘..