Doing my part in helping restore freedom to America while kicking evil in the ass. Guided by God the Father, Jesus Christ & my ancestors!
The incoming Rennaisance is real. Get your money out of wall street and start up a company or help fund startups solving problems you believe in.

God loving, mother, wife, patriot from the great state of Alaska. WWG1WGA
I want to start a retreat using Ayurveda. Healing the body with natural organic foods.
I am also certified and trained in several healing techniques. Lymphatic Drainage and Touch for Health. Developed gallbladder/liver/spleen drainage. Computer Electrodermal Screening. MARS III. Myofacial. Would love to work with MedBeds. So many Vets need the help. Traumatized children. I come from a long line of healers. This is my life. Naturopathy, Homeopathy, and working on my Herbal Master's Degree.

God loving, mother, wife, patriot from the great state of Alaska. WWG1WGA
I am a massage therapist certified in Abyanga massage. Once Nesara goes into full effect i will do the school to get certified in gut health.