Veteran, Constitutional Law, Equality. Restore Our Rights & Constitutional Laws • On TS as TheStormIsUponUs @TheStormIsUponUs

These arrest in our Nation need to be stopped in Peaceful Protest as they are arresting innocent people fir just being at the Capitol on January 6, 2021.
If you don’t stand up now and protest these Guistostopo Techniques of arresting the innocent you will lose your Nation and Freedoms forever and the regime will be of terror and extermination of all descendents of non-Europeans in America. It will be genecide at a level never before seen in history. If you are Latino, Blacks, Indian or anything that is not of white Eoropean Decsent you will be exterminated under the 2030 Agenda.These 3 Letters Agencies will become the equivelent of the SS in Germany in WWII.

This is how pure evil looks and you may be next , did you hear me , YOU MAY BE NEXT and just disappear never to be seen again.

I am not condoning any ones arrests for Jan 6th that was there peacefully. Obviously there are major players involved in these arrests for FBI or anyone to show up with warrants. My only question is why did people go in to the capitol building if they saw there were violent people going in or attacking? I don't understand their reasoning behind going in to the building at all? Don't get me wrong I am against these arrests and what is happening!

This Pastor in Florida ask the Capitol Police if he could take his 3 year old to the bathroom as the portolets were most likely lined up. He waited Peacefully outside the door for her and I couldn’t tell you if this was before violent players enetered the WH. The violent ones are still running free. Do you understand now and also most arrested were from Florida a clear signal from the Dark Hats.

In response Chonita Nigus to her Publication

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I do understand it is black hats behind the real mischief! It really is ridiculous that the real culprits are not being jailed and that are civil liberties are being violated. I heard even cell phone carriers are turning in peoples phone records to the FBI to show who was in DC that day! It's too bad so many innocent people are being hurt while this plays out. Especially in the Jan 6th incident because Trump asked people to come and they answered his call. I do know he started his speech about an hour late so that helped some. Hopefully redemption will come soon!

Veteran, Constitutional Law, Equality. Restore Our Rights & Constitutional Laws • On TS as TheStormIsUponUs @TheStormIsUponUs

In response Chonita Nigus to her Publication

Many of us are losing patients and will take any actions needed to defend our Constitution from Domestic or Foriegn interference. I’m about done waiting as these criminals rob every taxpayer in this Nation only to give it to ther countries to have it laundered back into their personal accounts.You tell me how Peloski is worth over 100 million net cash and in her life time in politics earned maybe 12 million total at the high end .

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