Whiplash347 pointed out on Telegram that McDonalds is supplied by KEYSTONE Foods... 8 MAP posts with Keystone in.
The telegram post is essentially pointing to dead bodies of traffickees being disposed of through Keystone Foods into MacDonald's burgers.
Don't eat Mcdonalds. It's not good for you lol
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So when this story is proven false and the workers at Keystone have been laid off because of a witch hunt on a company that is FDA inspected twice a day and has a great record, which one of you are going to pay to feed their kids? Asking for a friend that may be getting laid off soon.
Well the story originated from Whiplash 47 -- Whose info is usually good
Love can build a bridge. Looking for individuals to help with construction. Contact your local We are ready centers to join.
I agree. I do not know what is going on lately but a few of the norms are really putting out bad info. The FDA allows so much percentage of "foreign substance and natural flavoring" into every product produced. Could they find human DNA? Yes because the meat is cut from the bone by a person and the whole time they are shedding skin cells. Maybe someone cuts their finger. Human DNA is going to show. So would rat, snake, fecal matter and a ton of other super gross stuff but it is from production no because they are grinding up babies. You don't even want to see the 6 inches of maggots that are scraped off the fruit filling for pop tarts and fig newtons. The people who work at Keystone are God loving farm boys and girl who love their families and work too damn hard for what they make. He may be right but for all the wrong reasons.
Thanks the long explaination and If something I post is wrong would rather be proved wrong than spread false info ! Whiplash did loads on this even a video of a a meat factory being raided by the Feds ! So I posted this extra bit for fun in a way off a forum - But yes the hardest thing about this game right now is truth -- Thanks questioning we are all open minded here and after getting through this and keeping as many ppl safe as possible
Love can build a bridge. Looking for individuals to help with construction. Contact your local We are ready centers to join.
WE have to help each other. We must call these things out no matter who it is that posts them. People make mistakes and that is ok but some of this stuff lately is just blatant lies. We can not allow that to happen. Thank you for seeing truth. There is a factory in North Baltimore OH that keeps that town a float. So many lives could be destroy by some kid playing a joke. Not acceptable.