78 years old, eye opening event at age 6 1/2 so closely observing ever since.
In 1968 I lived in Burbank, CA and knew people that knew people. The big rumour going around Hollywood was that the government was going to fake the upcoming moonlanding so they needed a moon landing film. It was said that Kubrick was in charge and Clarke was writing the script. Their talents had been commandered because the gov was so impressed with 2001 A Space Odessey.
They had a crew out near Lake Haveseu doing the shoot. It was also said that Kubrick and a lot of the crew were very unhappy to be doing it. They were some what mollified by being told they were doing it as backup in case they had trouble with the feed from the moon.
Well clearly they used the stuff shot in Nevada, and because I know it was a very professional crew, they wouldn't have made so many mistakes with lighting etc. There are unsung whistleblowers that took part and tried to show us the truth. That moon landing film was a big joke and any professional knew it. Why didn't anyone come forward,