Nancy Pace
2 years ago

Nancy Pace

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78 years old, eye opening event at age 6 1/2 so closely observing ever since.

78 years old, eye opening event at age 6 1/2 so closely observing ever since.

Very quickly all over YouTube and social media about this being a double, hmmmm. For months I have been looking at rallies and seeing a very android type Trump (think Star Trek Data, watch Data then watch the rally). That didn't seem to bother anyway. The guy on Saturday appeared to be an actual human being. I recognize that guy he has given lots of the speeches I have liked. Is there a real Trump?

78 years old, eye opening event at age 6 1/2 so closely observing ever since.

78 years old, eye opening event at age 6 1/2 so closely observing ever since.

The med beds do sound wonderful! However, if they weren't poisoning the sky, water, earth and us would they sound as wonderful?
If we get the med beds and they continue with the poisoning we will always need the med beds, lots of med beds.
Hmmmm, who has the patent! Follow the money!.

78 years old, eye opening event at age 6 1/2 so closely observing ever since.

Beware "good galactics" bearing gifts!!!!

78 years old, eye opening event at age 6 1/2 so closely observing ever since.

An electron is not a particle or a wave, but can appear to be one or the other depending on the testing apparatus. The real question is what type of thing can produce these results. Do we need to start thinking about what is in between. We live in duality an electron doesn't.

78 years old, eye opening event at age 6 1/2 so closely observing ever since.

We are in a spiritual war don't let the drama in the physical world distract you. However, the movie we are "watching" does provide clues.

9/11 codes to the Day of the Lord/Ascension/Age of Aquarius - YouTube Natal LIfe Purpose and Saturn Return Charts/Readings Instragram tymewilltellastrologyFace Book ...

78 years old, eye opening event at age 6 1/2 so closely observing ever since.

I do Trust the Q Plan, but I check daily to see that it still coincides with Gods plan, if it ever deviates it won't be Q that I follow!!!!!

78 years old, eye opening event at age 6 1/2 so closely observing ever since.

For many years I told God what needed to be done to improve the world and I worked very hard myself to make those improvements. But then I started to listen to what He had in mind and started working as part of that plan. The secret is to know exactly how and when to do something, and when to stay out of the way. God is in charge. Trust the plan, He always has one.

78 years old, eye opening event at age 6 1/2 so closely observing ever since.

When I was in first grade in 1950 we were told the sun was yellow and we drew pictures with a house, tree and yellow sun. Very clearly I could see the sun was white it looked like a star only bigger. When I asked friends what color they thought the sun was they said yellow, when I asked them to look at it and tell me that is what they actually saw, they said they couldn't because they would be blinded. Now I could see that it wasn't yellow because I dared take glimpses, however I did buy into the you will go blind part and was quite irritated with my parents for not warning me about the danger. Ridiculous, because before I was "woke" I had spent many hours lying in the grass staring at the sun and clouds and I wasn't blind.

78 years old, eye opening event at age 6 1/2 so closely observing ever since.

Good close up of original and fake Biden.

78 years old, eye opening event at age 6 1/2 so closely observing ever since.

Finally someone talking about "Brave New World"! I think most people would prefer it to "1984". It looks to me like we are being manipulated into gratefully making that choice. Pray to God for a better outcome than that horrible utopian society. Watch Amazing Polly.

78 years old, eye opening event at age 6 1/2 so closely observing ever since.

The med beds do sound wonderful! However, if they weren't poisoning the sky, water, earth and us would they sound as wonderful?
If we get the med beds and they continue with the poisoning we will always need the med beds, lots of med beds.
Hmmmm, who has the patent! Follow the money!.

78 years old, eye opening event at age 6 1/2 so closely observing ever since.

Finally someone talking about "Brave New World"! I think most people would prefer it to "1984". It looks to me like we are being manipulated into gratefully making that choice. Pray to God for a better outcome than that horrible utopian society. Watch Amazing Polly.

78 years old, eye opening event at age 6 1/2 so closely observing ever since.

The followers of Ra worship the Sun which is represented by the golden disk of the sun.

Christ consciouness can also be represented by the sun, but it is a WHITE LIGHT SUN.

Take a look at the sun, it looks white to me!

What does that tell you, Who's in charge?

78 years old, eye opening event at age 6 1/2 so closely observing ever since.

In 1968 I lived in Burbank, CA and knew people that knew people. The big rumour going around Hollywood was that the government was going to fake the upcoming moonlanding so they needed a moon landing film. It was said that Kubrick was in charge and Clarke was writing the script. Their talents had been commandered because the gov was so impressed with 2001 A Space Odessey.

They had a crew out near Lake Haveseu doing the shoot. It was also said that Kubrick and a lot of the crew were very unhappy to be doing it. They were some what mollified by being told they were doing it as backup in case they had trouble with the feed from the moon.

Well clearly they used the stuff shot in Nevada, and because I know it was a very professional crew, they wouldn't have made so many mistakes with lighting etc. There are unsung whistleblowers that took part and tried to show us the truth. That moon landing film was a big joke and any professional knew it. Why didn't anyone come forward,

78 years old, eye opening event at age 6 1/2 so closely observing ever since. Tarot by Janine verified Kubrick moon landing film.

Tarot, Numbers, Movies, Gate's Divorce, and Current Events! #tarot #gematria - YouTube

Thank you so much to Tom and Janine for doing a deep dive today into current events surrounding our timeline on this planet. Information on Janine:Janine Mo...

78 years old, eye opening event at age 6 1/2 so closely observing ever since.

In 1968 I lived in Burbank, CA and knew people that knew people. The big rumour going around Hollywood was that the government was going to fake the upcoming moonlanding so they needed a moon landing film. It was said that Kubrick was in charge and Clarke was writing the script. Their talents had been commandered because the gov was so impressed with 2001 A Space Odessey.

They had a crew out near Lake Haveseu doing the shoot. It was also said that Kubrick and a lot of the crew were very unhappy to be doing it. They were some what mollified by being told they were doing it as backup in case they had trouble with the feed from the moon.

Well clearly they used the stuff shot in Nevada, and because I know it was a very professional crew, they wouldn't have made so many mistakes with lighting etc. There are unsung whistleblowers that took part and tried to show us the truth. That moon landing film was a big joke and any professional knew it. Why didn't anyone come forward,

78 years old, eye opening event at age 6 1/2 so closely observing ever since.

For many years I told God what needed to be done to improve the world and I worked very hard myself to make those improvements. But then I started to listen to what He had in mind and started working as part of that plan. The secret is to know exactly how and when to do something, and when to stay out of the way. God is in charge. Trust the plan, He always has one.

78 years old, eye opening event at age 6 1/2 so closely observing ever since.

Yes, I expect a Saviour to show up and save me! What makes me believe that? Personal experience, the down side is that I never get to choose how or when.