
She should be HUNG for ALL to see. It's the only mother fucking way.

If Patriots are REALLY and TRULY in Control, why are the Maxine Waters, Eric Swalwell, Lindsey Graham types STILL roaming free after ALL the crimes they have committed?

YOU tell ME! Pure mother fucking trash!

In response AQ. PATRON to his Publication

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In response SPORTS to his Publication

And if you have been paying attention, and not just following Q trump told you many times that Biden is no longer with us so did Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity, trump even held his Fingers to his head like a gun and said Bidens shot, Biden was executed in 2018 along with Barack Obama Which is why Trump kept referring to Obama as president Obama before he got executed.

In response Cabal Crusher to his Publication

By the way, I have been in on the entire deal ALL along. That's not my point. We need to see justice. SEEING is BELIEVING.

Continuing to babble on about Biden being executed or Hussein or Hillary or whoever, it plain and simply doesn't matter until we SEE it.

Jack and Jill America suffering, some losing everything, many to their untimely and ultimate demise, because of this fraud "Great Awakening". Show us what the fuck is happening or get the fuck out of the way and allow We, The Mother Fucking People to end this scam.

What a mother fucking joke. Biden was executed. And grass is purple and the sky is black....because I say so!

MAGA - Harm NONE - Treat others the way you want to be treated - SAVE THE CHILDREN - We are ALL ONE - WWG1WGA/NCSWIC/TBIYTC

In response Cabal Crusher to his Publication

Also Trump suggested that he and Biden agree to take a blood test before one of the debates. Trump knew Biden was already shot at that time. So there was no way he was debating the real Biden.

Great post Patriot!! Thanks!!

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In response SPORTS to his Publication

I would like to think that all of our politicians have been arrested, individually or a couple at a time over the period of trumps presidency. they are out roaming around because the military is tracking them, when I saw all those politicians getting on a bus after the officers wake, the one who allegedly died at the capital convinced me they’ve all been arrested, microchipped, and released on work release and falling the public in the thinking we still have a functioning government, meanwhile they are destroying their own institutions by doing every single thing that day of called out Donald Trump undoing and have tried to impeach him for, the world is watching all of our corrupt politicians and their hypocrisy on the grand stage, nobody has gotten away with anything they are Playing their parts as bad actors in the great awakening

In response Cabal Crusher to his Publication

Yet half America still in a complete and total slumber.

Changing THAT is as simple as peach pie on my country porch.

A SINGLE and PUBLIC arrest of any7 one of thousands of DC pure trash treasonous traitors. Just a MOTHER FUCKING one. But no. And you know why no? Because this entire thing is a scam. If Patriots were REALLY and TRULY in control we would have SEEN at least one high profile arrest, perp walk, trial and hanging. We have seen none.

Magical times. "Enjoy the Show" they say? What show I beg of THEE?

Conservative Patriot. US Army Military Police Veteran 95B July 6, 76 🇺🇸 🍀Constitutionalist. WWG1WGA. NCSWIC 🇺🇸 FIX 2020 OR BUST

In response Cabal Crusher to his Publication

i really would love to believe that!

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In response SPORTS to his Publication

If the patriots were not truly in control, do you think Michael Flynn after Biden spent years of bearing with Obama with bogus charges and locking him up in prison for a couple of years would still be in the position he was in, I would like to think that would’ve been the first person that Biden fired him and his brother Charles who certainly wouldn’t of gotten a promotion under the Biden administration, and not to mention all of the loyalist the Trump put in military general positions still have their jobs.