Patriot Party working theory...
1. Joe fraudulently becomes President.
2. Americans becomes increasingly pissed off at Government corruption.
3. Patriot Party is created.
4. Military declares Presidential election fraudulent.
5. U.S. holds new Presidential election, safeguarded by the military.
6. Trump runs for President as member of the Patriot Party.
7. Trump wins and becomes 1st Patriot Party President.

EVEL is out of gas. if you can help with just a gallon or more.. it would mean a lot!!
nailed it!

Proud 5th gen Aussie~Truth-Seeker~I love Trump~I love my family~I love Genealogy, History, Music....I'll finish this later
This FEC filing has got NOTHING to do with Donald Trump! He has released a statement removing himself from any connection with it. Trump hasn't registered anything to do with a Patriot Party.
The person who filed this document was Michael Joseph Gaul.

🦁🦁🦁 Digital Patriot Lioness 🇺🇸 TRUTH is my jam🥫Spreading it on everything and everyone because ya know...a lifetime of lies and all 🤗

🦁🦁🦁 Digital Patriot Lioness 🇺🇸 TRUTH is my jam🥫Spreading it on everything and everyone because ya know...a lifetime of lies and all 🤗

Patriot. Truth Seeker. The Best Is Yet To Come!! It’s going to be BIBLICAL!! God Bless Our Country and God Bless President Trump!
If true, it would be great, however, I've read multiple times that Donald Trump and his team are distancing themselves from this filing by Michael Gaul... be cautious Patriots. Follow Donald Trump.

actually he was sworn in as patriot or constitutional party

For my Family & a Better World. #WWG1WGA 🌏🌍🌎
Trump campaign distances itself from new 'Patriot party' | Donald Trump | The Guardian
Trump team rejects claims by new party’s founder that they are holding joint fundraising activities
Non Trump n'a rien à voir avec ce parti!

TrueQ Red White & Blue Patriot ! Love God, family & Patriots ! Support our Vets/Military Children lives matter Just love my America
Great Plan !!! Better happen quickly, many are taking the vac and all who know what this really is, know how evil it is.

Why incorporated again???

TrueQ Red White & Blue Patriot ! Love God, family & Patriots ! Support our Vets/Military Children lives matter Just love my America
I hope it destroys both criminal parties. For the sake of Our Country

what year we are not waiting till 2024

#ValiantForJustice?#TheCalled?#TheMakingsofThePerfectDay?Reserving judgement,maintainingdiscernment,taking initiative and action.USAFveteran

Thankful & Blessed beyond all measure. By the grace of God, D.J. Trump is my President, and America is my birthright.
I cannot wait to register for the Patriot Party❤️❤️❤️🇺🇸‼️

I’ve been AWAKE since 1980, and have researched for 40 years. I’m a veteran of 4ch, 8ch and 8KUN. I now only have accounts here, WEGO & Gab.
NESARA/GESARA must be part of it.

Christ follower. ✝️ Passionate Patriot. 🇺🇸 #TrumpWon #4MoreYears. Mother of only son whom I love. ❤️

remember when we were all voting ? 🙌

joining!! I want to be one of the FIRST Patriots!! 🇺🇸

Thankful & Blessed beyond all measure. By the grace of God, D.J. Trump is my President, and America is my birthright. first🤣🤣🤣🤣❤️


Trump has alredy done everything he will be inaugurated on March 4-6 as the 19th President of the constitutional republic of the United States of America

#1776,#NCSWIC, #GodWins, #trump, #wwg1wga,#MAGA, #TheGreatAwakening, ,#electionfraud, #saveourchildren,
That's right. Our President always seems to amaze me. What a wonderful Godly man.

Christian blogsite that examines all things from a biblical perspective
In order for the Patriot Party to prevail in making a strong presence in the legislative branch:
1. It must be more than just a political party, it must be a movement that reaches out to every sector of society.
2, One or both major parties must collapse; ideally Dems first. They are the worst.
3. Patriot party fills the void of the collapsed party. Assuming it is Dems first that collapse, RINOs are primaried out. Remaining GOP may be absorbed into the new party if there are too few GOP left in power to remain a viable party.

do you happen to have the link available?
I am trying to find the page in the website by refering the registration or committee ID number but I can't seem to locate it.
Thank you in advance.

I can't find it either. I'd like it to be true but I have searched the site and can't find anything. The only thing that I found is President Trump's Committee number C00580100 listed here which if you search on brings up his recent campaign for 2020. The url in the picture doesn't exist.

But who is Michael Joseph Gaul? First thing that popped into my head is Russel J Gould.

If they stand behind you protect them. If they stand beside you respect them. If [they] stand against you, show no mercy!
Directors party

American Patriot, Wellness Warrior, Seeker of Truth-Freedom. Life Liberty & the Pursuit of Happiness. Live in Abundance
I like the way you think! 🙌🏻❤️🇺🇸👊🏻🦁

Well he picked the right bank. USAA is the bomb

I got a nice spot already picked out on my PT Cruiser for a deca and there just happens to be an extra hanger in my closet for a hoodie. Can't wait. I've never been a party loyalist for good reason. I only went Rep this time so I could vote for Trump. I'm usually independent.

I believe in and will fight for freedom! Truth seeker and staunch President Trump supporter! #WWG1WGA 🇺🇸🦅
Another plausible element to add - "Biden 'administration's' policies in its first days has a devastatingly negstive impact on world markets. The world economy collapses, providing the change needed to implement NESARA/GESARA - new election required within 120 days of rollout."

#HAWAII4TRUMP here to help #SAVEOURCHILDREN #KennedyVision #FightLikeAFlynn #wwg1wgaWORLDWIDE #Trumpsara #theBESTisYetToCome #GODWINS
When can we register? can we start making donations??

Patriot. Trump Supporter. Tear is for Maddie McCann and all abused children.
Or the new Republic requires new elections. REAL Elections. Patriot Party will include those Republican that supported Trump. Elections will include Local as well.