Patriot Party working theory...
1. Joe fraudulently becomes President.
2. Americans becomes increasingly pissed off at Government corruption.
3. Patriot Party is created.
4. Military declares Presidential election fraudulent.
5. U.S. holds new Presidential election, safeguarded by the military.
6. Trump runs for President as member of the Patriot Party.
7. Trump wins and becomes 1st Patriot Party President.
In order for the Patriot Party to prevail in making a strong presence in the legislative branch:
1. It must be more than just a political party, it must be a movement that reaches out to every sector of society.
2, One or both major parties must collapse; ideally Dems first. They are the worst.
3. Patriot party fills the void of the collapsed party. Assuming it is Dems first that collapse, RINOs are primaried out. Remaining GOP may be absorbed into the new party if there are too few GOP left in power to remain a viable party.