Fate & Freewill are illusions created by a Masonic elite “upper class” to cultivate an organic intellectual conclusion in the “average person” that they were arbitrarily born into a random “lot in life” and that their position in society is somehow just the luck of the draw. IT ISN’T.

The class structure of this world isn’t random.

Unless drastic and immediate steps are taken to correct these titanic drifts from common decency and innate human good heartedness to include all stratums of society in the more than plentiful boon of this bountiful earth (by sweat, cunning OR good fortune) a Great Awakening will be the very least of the Cabal’s worries because a GREAT REVOLUTION will not be too far behind.

Someone will soon pull the SWORD out of the STONE. We see right through you. Revelation of the Method works both ways and YOU have been WARNED.

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