people who get the CV19 vax are impacted mentally (neurologically), almost immediately
” Weird. My parents swore to me they wouldn’t get it, and then did (didn’t tell me until after second shot). I normally speak to them every other day, as I’ve been helping them through cancer the last year. Now all of the sudden my mom is being super distant and not answering when I call. It’s fucking weird and scary. A couple days ago she made an excuse to get off the call saying she’d call me back, and didn’t. 180 degree different behavior than normal. Stressing me out.”
” I had the same type of experience. Forty year old daughter posted her document showing she got it, like she was so proud. I almost fainted when I saw it. She was weirdly snotty and hateful to me. Before, she was always very sweet to me, but now she won’t answer my calls/messages to her. Besides having really bad affects on the body, I think it does things to their minds.”
Then my daughters, ages 37 and 31, must have had the vaccine years ago! Won't listen to a darn thing I say, especially the jab!