Unapologetic Pre-1871 Constitutionalist, Truth Seeker, Wall Watcher, Warrior of Yeshua and Deplorable Trump Chump. WWG1WGA 🍊
They know their time is nigh. They are going full steam ahead super warp speed. They have a timeline and an end game goal. We dont have another 4 years much less 4 months. Buckle up. Its going to get bumpy. We are at the end of the crisis stage and will soon enter the normalization stage. The end wont be for everyone
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Jesus loving patriot. Researcher, conspiracy analyst. memeist, content creator. Perpetually stationed on the digital battlefield
God has such a good sense of humor, doesn't he?

We hold these truths to be self evident, all men are created equal, endowed by their creator with rights to life, liberty and happiness.
I've never seen anything like it. The more that corruption comes out, the more people are clinging to the left and their ideologies. It's like they're all waiting in line to jump off the cliff and they're fighting each other to be the first in line.

ChristJesusisLord TwitterCriminal permanent suspension: Darlene@Darlene20503600 b/c I retweeted?? #SaveTheChildren !!
Makes you almost need to scratch your head and say, "Hmmmm".
It is prophetic though. The Almighty sending a strong delusion on the masses. Pray for them.

want does not enter into it. I will be free


Yep pretty much. It's the division of the wheat and the weeds.

Save our Children. Trust The Plan. Truth Social: https://truthsocial.com/@humunu
Well said.
We’ve been beaten down and manipulated for generations.
It’s not for us to judge.

We hold these truths to be self evident, all men are created equal, endowed by their creator with rights to life, liberty and happiness.
I don't think anyone is judging, but truth is truth. You can't spend the rest of your life being beaten down and stay a victim. At some point, you're no longer a victim, but a WILLING PAERTICIPANT. That is no excuse for willful ignorance. Making the decision to wear a mask to deprive yourself of oxygen, stay indoors in a completely sterile environment and then run out and get an experimental vaccine is the height of just plain selfishness. That KIND of willful stupidity is costing other people their lives because now these same people are now shedding their vaccine to others. If that's judging, then sign me up. That's just plain ole common sense.

Discernment is critical.
Separating the goats from the sheep.
Fish out of the right side of the boat.
Be seated on the right side of the Lord.
It is HIS-story
Only followers of this user (@KimDonaldson07) can see their posts

For so long it felt like living a separate life from most people. I never bought the bs and always knew I was living in a matrix. But now we are focused on the critical mass of the situation. Now I'm aware of many others who either knew or felt that our lives were manipulated from so many directions. And sadly the fact that so many others are so severely brainwashed that they fight and argue to defend the machinery that enslaves them is frightening and potentially dangerous.

Daughter of a Purple Heart Marine who fought in the Korean War. My love for God Family & Country - my mantra. Great time to be alive.
Happens with Free Will

We hold these truths to be self evident, all men are created equal, endowed by their creator with rights to life, liberty and happiness.
It is dangerous. These are the same people turning others in for not wearing masks, standing by and letting their brother be arrested for standing up, and now shedding their vaccine to others. They only live for themselves and to heck with others and common sense.

A patriot who stands for freedom! 27 year military wife. Stand strong Patriots!
and you wonder why " patience is a virtue" 😋😋😋

Reformed Christian wife, mother and friend. USA Patriot, Pro-Life, Pro 2A, Live Free or Die! Flat Earther
thousands of years...

100% correct. I was just trying make the general point that this has been going on a hell of a lot longer than most poeple know.