V FOR VENDETTA came out in 2005, takes place in the year 2020 and is about a dystopian future where totalitarian autocratic pedophiles gain power by releasing a fake virus and use it to rule through fear and oppression of human dignity & civil rights. The media pushes a constant government controlled propaganda stream of safety and security “for your own protection” at the expense of Liberty.
It pre-described the exact scenario we are in right now with frighteningly exact detail. The power structure controlling the false narrative behind the scenes is even a trilateral commission comprised of church + state + finance (Rome/DC/London).
The Grand Finale ends with fireworks and a Great Awakening to the corrupt fascist dictatorship as the elite cabalist substructure secretly controlling society is dismantled by anonymous people wearing Guy Fawkes masks!
Past Predicts Future - Future Proves Past ⤵️
I would love to see the White House complex blown up (after they have a backup somewhere—if they don't already).
This movie is brutally honest, which is why I love it. A must see.

Student of synchronicity and predictive programming who sometimes says "哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈" Felixtheblack.Cat

👀 for truth in all things with the 👀 &👂of the holy spirit. Q is the Father's master plan. Jesus is King. Isaiah 11:4-9
I thought of your idea but didn't include it in my comment. Guess we're all on the same wave length here.