Many of Us are multidimensional Souls living in an infinite Universe. WE are More Powerful than the Oligarchs want us to Believe!
Please help me understand why Marjorie Greene and many other so called Patriots are so adamant in pushing the narrative of putting children back into these dysfunctional and harmful environment?
Most still requiring children to wear masks along with all the other bullshit fake CV-19 protocol?
Why isn't there more talk about making healthy changes?
Abuse is abuse and it has many faces!
And many of these faces are considered "normal" due to social (socialism) conditioning!

Unapologetic Pre-1871 Constitutionalist, Truth Seeker, Wall Watcher, Warrior of Yeshua and Deplorable Trump Chump. WWG1WGA 🍊
i agree. The "education" system needs to be completely dismantked and restructured just like ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING. Real education needs to be our new entertainment

Truth and justice will prevail. Mother. Patriot. Truth Seeker.
I cannot wait until we can restructure schools and rid the world of teachers unions!!

Patriotic Digital Soldier/ Moorish American who believes in Peace, Love, Truth, Freedom and Justice TRUMP WON !!!! AUDIT THE FUCKING VOTE
This is why they refuse to Pay Teachers properly. They need angry , broke proletariat Mentors for the future broke Prole Playground To Prison System. Rich Dad Poor Dad By Robert Kiyosaki dives deep on this topic and i highly recommend reading it!

covid woke me up to the lie - here to get more educated about all the rest of the corruption and evil.
it's just as bad at private schools - worse bc i am paying for it like a dumb sucker

As a public school teacher for 20 years, in a state without unions (only associations)I can without doubt say the following: Public education has not been about the needs of children for decades. From politicians, state education agency, school boards, superintendants, school administrations, and yes the by apothy of parents THE only focus has been about the money. There are teachers who hold down this front line every day, being blamed and fighting against the abuse, that the above mentioned have heaved on our shoulders. Our only focus is teaching our students to think, not what to think. To believe they are capable of making this world a better place, and to know to the depths of their soul that they are worth it. I will continue to fight for and defend every child that crosses my path. Teachers, like myself, will continue to hold this line, hoping one day that EVERY parent will join us and fight for their child. It's always been about the children...just that simple. ❤️🙏🏻

Reformed Christian wife, mother and friend. USA Patriot, Pro-Life, Pro 2A, Live Free or Die! Flat Earther
most Unions are!

Unapologetic Pre-1871 Constitutionalist, Truth Seeker, Wall Watcher, Warrior of Yeshua and Deplorable Trump Chump. WWG1WGA 🍊
Fer Sure


Recently retired, no longer affiliated with any party. Constitutional patriot listening for God’s word
stop paying teachers and administrators to not educate, and the schools will magically open

Unapologetic Pre-1871 Constitutionalist, Truth Seeker, Wall Watcher, Warrior of Yeshua and Deplorable Trump Chump. WWG1WGA 🍊
Gotra get rid of the teachers unions and Department of education for thst to happen