🙏💗💫 🕊️Continuing to hold such a deep and Sacred healing space for anyone feeling weary and losing faith who feel they need a little boost right now... if this is you, please know that you are not alone... we have all been severely traumatized by everything that has been going on in the world since we were all born.... and those of us who are awake can see that the whole world's suffering from mass delusional psychosis

Always remember, that you are this LOVE and this LIGHT... and that you weren not only made for these times, but each & everyone of you have been Divinely placed all around the world to hold this LOVE and this LIGHT... as we shift from the dark to the light.... that is how important you are.🙏💗💫🕊️

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Destroying evil in all the high and low places with Jesus.

In response WeAre AllOne to her Publication

nice work anon, only the light can overcome the darkness, keep up the good work.

Inspiring red-pill music videos set to familiar tunes. YT channel recently nuked. #WWG1WGA #DigitalSoldier #MusicIsPowerful #MAGA

In response WeAre AllOne to her Publication

Love this, thank you

TurnTurnTurn music video


In response WeAre AllOne to her Publication

Lesson from a drill instructor long ago: Pain builds character.
Lesson from an acupuncturist: Pain is a message, you must tune into it and it will guide you to the proper place in need of healing. If you don't listen to the message the pain will continue until you do so.
Life lesson: Everyone carries some sort of pain. Life can be hard, no need to make it harder. That's why it's so important to nurture and promote positivity.

Seeker... Looking For Truth💞🙏✨🕊🙌

In response Desert Dog to his Publication


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Not a scientist, nor do I claim to be one...T-shirts, blue jeans, baseball hats and beer...Stealer of fine memes...Frequent F-bombs 😬🤣

In response WeAre AllOne to her Publication

Very nice post!

Seeker... Looking For Truth💞🙏✨🕊🙌

In response Mike Anon to his Publication


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President Donald J. Trump Is Our Commander In Chief. U.S. Army Vietnam Era Veteran 6/72 -7/79 Ex Lead Guitarist

In response WeAre AllOne to her Publication

That's a good movie. Host is the name I think?

“And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” John‬ ‭8:32‬ ‭NLT‬‬ Fight for Freedom!! 🇺🇸 Love our POTUS❤️ WWG1WGA

In response WeAre AllOne to her Publication

Seeker... Looking For Truth💞🙏✨🕊🙌

In response Scooby85 *** to her Publication

💗🙏😇✨💫 God Bless you beautiful Soul, I love you!💗🙏😇✨

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In response WeAre AllOne to her Publication

Centered~I join you in holding this divine space💞
You also are not alone🙏🏻😇❤️

Seeker... Looking For Truth💞🙏✨🕊🙌

In response 1TC Ames to his Publication

💗🙏💫✨😇Awwwww receiving your healing love with deep eternal grattiude and grace... God Bless You... Beautiful YOU!!!!💗🙏💫✨😇

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In response WeAre AllOne to her Publication

you are awesome!

Seeker... Looking For Truth💞🙏✨🕊🙌

In response Faithful Anon to her Publication

💞🙏🕊️💫 Yes We Are!!!! God Bless You Beautiful Soul!💞🙏🕊️💫

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Canadian. I consider President Trump our world President. An artist, have many interests and who believes we are all precious in God's eyes.

In response WeAre AllOne to her Publication

Thanks so much. Every positive action helps like the ripple effect of skipping stoness on water.

Seeker... Looking For Truth💞🙏✨🕊🙌

In response Dianne Star to her Publication


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In response WeAre AllOne to her Publication

💞 You are beautiful! Thank you.

Seeker... Looking For Truth💞🙏✨🕊🙌

In response Reds Planet to her Publication

💗🙏😇✨💫God Bless you beautfiul Soul!💗🙏😇✨💫

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I am a 51 yr old mom of 2 awesome kids. I walk on faith in Gods grace. I ❤️Trump n All patriots n want to help humanity in any way#GodSpeed

In response WeAre AllOne to her Publication

this is so very precious thank you for posting

Seeker... Looking For Truth💞🙏✨🕊🙌

In response Kim Laughlin to her Publication


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