The people I'm not a fan of are the ones that say "don't do that... you're ruining the 'movement'".
Sorry but freethinking has no boundaries and no club with rules associated with it.
You can kindly fuck off.

Like a Miss America contestant...all I want is WORLD PEACE! 😉❤️🌎🙏🏼

This is why it's important that the less we look up to any leader or leading entity, such as Trump, Q, Republican Party,the less we are all lumped together, Most of us have opposing views on a lot of things, and we still correspond respectfully as it's normal and healthy to disagree on things. U.S. citizen based refrences also exclude non U.S. citizens fighting alongside us for their freedoms and the truth to come out about Global Control Agendas. Some people beleive Trump was in Switzerland signing Gesara pappers the other day and a Jubilee is coming, any day now. Some beleive we are headed into massive inflation and the next great depression. Some don't guess or predict but wait for verifyable facts. Some beleive Lizzards and vampires rule the earth, some just see power hungry humans, others see politics. It's easier for it all to fly freely if we do not lump ourselves together under any one umbrella. We are humans looking to make sense of a world in chaos together and it's good.

Mother of 2 boys, one is in USCG, other wants to be a Marine. Husband is USAF. MAGA, LOVE TRUMP! Hello JFK Jr. WWG1 WGA Philippians 4:13
Freethinking, hmmm. Is this considered free thinking without pushing boundaries? "Flat earth brings out the worst in humanity." Now who said this recently? Asking for a friend.😎

Very Well Said

Veteran and proud to be an American, MAGA, WWG1WGA, NCSWIC, Constitutional Republic we are!!!!! GOD is in control, follow the plan.
I agree, The reason most us are here is to support free speech and our President. It is about the Constitution. WWG1WGA!!!!!

I am a Information Treasure Hunter. I was sent to earth to teach Love and Kindness
Narcissist are good at telling others what when and how things should be done.LIKE THEY KNOW BETTER . HA

Mother of 3🇺🇸MAGA🇺🇸SA🇺🇸17🇺🇸 God speaks to us through music...are you listening??

Happily married Mama of 2. Loyal to our President and a fighter for the children! Trump Won! God Won! #WWG1WGA #SAVEOURCHILDREN 🇺🇸💖🐸💫
Only followers of this user (@KimDonaldson07) can see their posts

Ultra MAGA, outspoken, insubordinate nurse, with bags packed for reeducation camp.

Father, husband, child of God, animal lover, Patriot of the US. #WWG1WGA NOTHING can stop what is coming!
I mean - you are right, but at the same time, there are anons out there who are blindly sharing the first piece of information they see without doing any research.
In a period of so much disinformation, we must be vigilant with our information. I'm guilty of this too, although sometimes I share information just in case.

I am just a small account but one that loves our Country and our President, Donald J Trump! God bless America and God bless all the Patriots
I love the ones who say, "Send me a link!" What???? My A$$!!!!

Truth seeker, writer, painter, fur-mom 🐶🐱 Yeshua 🙏👑
I dont mind freethinking, I encourage it. Its when people think their thinking is gospel or dont have actual facts to back it up, just ideas and what ifs, but dont say that beforehand. That's all I'm saying; that's my one beef with all of this 🤷♀️

Q is my favorite letter!!!!!! I love my country, I love freedom..and I believe in spreading TRUTH!!!
that ...and when people still say "show me the source" or "source" please...for god sake take the information given to you and do your own damn research..being lazy is what got us here in the first damn please...LOL hahah..end of rant

Oklahoma Patriot who loves Jesus, his family, the U.S.A. and all of mankind, and Trump. Q is real. Truth is there for those who seek it.
Copy that Doq!

Patriot, Warrior, Freedom Lover, Trump Supporter, Light Worker, Proud Kentuckian and American, Loves God! Happy to be back home in Kentucky.
Amen, love this post!
In a world where you can be anything, be kind!
I really don't get people that critique others posts!
Everyone is trying to help the cause, appreciate that, and move on if you don't agree with what someone is posting!

That ship has sailed. Q followers are considered by many to be batshit crazy violent insurrectionists. What's to ruin?

We share very few sentiments with our government.
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Only followers of this user (@RedpilledRN) can see their posts

CalmInTheStorm 🇺🇸 FollowerOfJesus * FamilyIsEverything * Eph 6 ArmorOfGod * 2 Timothy 1:7 * PrayerWarrior/Writer/Researcher
💥 You are right!

Conservative, focused on faith and family. Proud momma and Trump is my president! TRUTH: @blubeemergrl
Amen Doq, amen!

Love my country and my fellow Patriots. LOVE MY PRESIDENT. BRING THE PAIN SIR!!!!!! I DO NOT RESPOND TO DM!!!!
We are here to exchange ideas we can all speak freely!

Nana, Direct Internal connection to God, WWG1WWA, MAGA, Angels are here already #FightLikeGodIsBesideYou
Nana will be your Huckle Barer DoQ! 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Who pissed you off just give me a name hun, Nana will step all over their fookn candy bar!
Unless those words are Falling out of Trumps mouth, they have no meaning.
I thought the same thing when I recently saw someone running down Charlie Ward and Simon Parkes, it has happened with many others like HSRetoucher.
They all have a purpose, while that purpose may confuse some minds and/or piss off a few, NO one other than God, Trump or Q knows the whole picture so they should not be saying someone else is ruining the plan BECAUSE THEY DONT HAVE ANY MORE OF A FOOKN CLUE THAN ANYONE ELSE!

I got blocked by [Big Account] for telling him that the Timestamp of Drop 1 is exactly the same numbers as the most accurate measurement of the distance to Pleiades. I didn't even mention what I think about that. He said this is the epitome of far fetched and I'm crazy.

Q follower Arizona #KAG Patriot who loves God and Country #MAGA Trump/JFKJr 2020 #SaveTheChildren Evil Won't Survive in 5D
BOMBSHELL: Lin Wood Leaks Whistleblower Transcripts Exposing VP Pence
That particular group (of fucking traitors) was Rod (Rosenstein), VP Pence, Paul Ryan
BOMBSHELL: Lin Wood Leaks Whistleblower Transcripts Exposing VP Pence | Populist Press 2021 ©
NEW TO OUR POPULIST PRESS?! SEE OUR HOMEPAGE! WE ARE GOING TO KNOCK OUT DRUDGE! From Lin Wood: Let’s get the day started with a big BANG of truth. Below is the transcription of the entire taped interview conducted with the brave whistleblower who speaks credibly about crimes committed at the highest..
Wife. Mother, Sister and Daughter of the Captain. Love My Country, My Flag and My President TRUMP. Listen, Verify & Lead - Loyal To The End
Worht the read for sure - know they enemy! Oh and who's on the Board at Fox News? I would think Tucker, Hannity or Laura would do some type of "follow up"? Nah

Prior Army 54 Echo, I am Pro-life, support the Constitution, MAGA, WWG1WGA, I believe in Q & the Plan. Christian, Trump is my President.
That transcript has me shaking my head about so many things. How they killed Seth Rich, to Pence and his wife being his handler for pedophila, To dirty secret service agent. The Brutuality that man endured it is amazing he is still alive.

Q follower Arizona #KAG Patriot who loves God and Country #MAGA Trump/JFKJr 2020 #SaveTheChildren Evil Won't Survive in 5D
“This is something the FBI set up under their guidance… going to be a false flag… And it was a sovereign citizen group.”
"Obama did not want any terrorism unless it was·white terrorism"
"They did get close to assassinating people up there."

😂😂😂 311 tmestamp!!! We will flip it and reverse it. Love y, Doq! 🙏❤️🙏

Hell hath no fury like a fierce feline scorned 🔱 I have perfected the art I've dedicated my life to 🔱 Now I wait 😼 Pronouns: FA/FO🗡
For those of us still on the front line and getting slaughtered daily on Twitter, I can understand the sentiment