I saw this last year as it was going down even have a video of him talking about "trump better not speak on my brother's name " then they come out with like a 4ft casket when the dude was 6' 6'' or taller, then in the video he was killed in early in the video he had hair on his head when he was dying then dead his head was bald, wake up America!

It is difficult to tell but I have always felt that he was not gone. I felt this was staged by the DS to start a racial war.

sorry to have to do this, but that's former NBA player Stephen Jackson actually....but ask yourself how he fits into the picture. Why did he constantly call George Floyd his twin?
Is S. Jackson a freemason? Maybe. He does own a a record label called Secret Societies. His father's picture is on a wall in a Masonic lodge in Houston. How does he tie in though?
Cop kneels on Floyd for 8 mins, 46 secs (so we're told). 8:46am coincidentally is the exact time the first building was hit on 9/11 (by a non existent plane). That's why it happened on Memorial Day (memorial to 9/11). US Criminal Code 846 just happens to be the charge for Conspiracy, by the way.
So 911 is falling of the Twin Towers, G Floyd dies in Minnesota (baseball team Twins). in Minneapolis (known as Twin Cities). Now do you see why Stephen Jackson kept calling George his twin?!
Pic of G Floyd has a brick wall in the background. Bricks and freemasons? Like pb and j. And then piles of bricks show up in every city?!

I have been banned from twatter for idk what. Guess I won't get to see the "tweet".
thats cool. here is something to think about. black men cannot be freemasons. they can go to a prince lodge but not a blue lodge. at least i have never, in 20 years and been to over 100 lodges across the country, seen a black man in a blue lodge.

Patriot who served in our armed forces. I love this country! De Oppressor Liber
Everytime i look at this i keep asking why. He is tall, he stands out...why would "they" allow him to be there openly? To mock us? Messaging to white hats? Remember, smart people caught the barry organization prepositioning artwork of george, on twatter, several weeks before the ff.

"Treat the impossible as nothing more than motivation." DJT THE BEST IS YET TO COME because... spoiler alert: God already won.
I've been saying forever now that GEORGE FLOYD would be the arrest that would shock the world. I mean it. Bam! There goes the liberal belief in the race "war." DO IT SOON!


Patriot Defending & Uniting Humanity to Create the World our Children Deserve #WWG1WGA #GodWins
Hey James - this Sheriff Mack is a great Constitutional LEO:

President Trump Ordained John 9:33🙏 Constitution our Freedom Bill of Rights our Voice Socialism is Communism only spelled differently
‼️ 6ft coffin my ass‼️

Yeah and nobody said shit about the double eagle 33rd degree tat on his chest, from his pics with his shirt off, or the gold coffin, so very secret societish, OR the fact that Omar's top donor owned the club both men worked at, and was already involved in an FBI sting and indicted in that sting, NONE of that came up.

We were prophesied to be here at this exact moment in time to stand for truth and to share Gods message of Love. #Trump is appointed by God.
i knew it! i sat across from my bf at a restaurant for breakfast after all this went down and ppl were in the streets and i was like " something isnt right about this. The whole thing is shady. But still why are ppl harming other ppl from one bad seed- arent they doing the very thing they are fighting against?"
he defended them and the racial justice that needed to happen in order for our country to change.
"but it makes no sense, none - cant you see that hate fueling more hate isnt accomplishing anything and they are actually becoming the very thing they hate?"
he: you dont think black lives matter?
me: all lives matter
Cut to scene...

I SHARE so you can discern for yourself! (does not mean I agree) If I like a post, I like it, or a nod to the person who posted it!
I sure wish we could circulate this around Minneapolis right about now. They are preparing for the trial of the officers. And it probably won't be a pretty sight. So sick of this.

Unapologetically Authentic. Patriot! Light Warrior! Author. Life Coach~Spiritual/Wellness Guru. Indigo Soul. Divinity Spark. SHINE! #MAGA
MN Patriot, ON DUTY.
Doing my part.
Ironically, my dad plays hockey with Chauvins dad....
No, I do not have any inside Intel.
That drum is sealed. TIGHT.

🍰 Baker of Qakes, Truth-seeker 🔍, Proud deplorable🇺🇸, Jesus is King 🌟 Q !..🐸 God Bless us all 🙏🏻
he was at his own funeral!! one of the 3 services that had over 100 ppl but i couldnt attend a funeral for my Aunt and Uncle married 70 years and died a month apart last year (from age 90 & 92 not Rona!) 😡

President Trump Ordained John 9:33🙏 Constitution our Freedom Bill of Rights our Voice Socialism is Communism only spelled differently
♥️70 years being in love♥️ I am sorry for loss and heart pain.🙏

Single lady living in a northern state. 3 children grown and gone. Actually happy to be by myself during these Great Awakenings.
i heard that he was at his own funeral.
Only followers of this user (@GodsGraciousGift) can see their posts

Isn't that the NBA player Steven Jackson? They look similar but 2 different people I think. He said people always called them twins.

it is stephen jackson, and dude floyd was a pornstar
lol stupid people think this is legit or some shit
Only followers of this user (@Kerryeire) can see their posts

So I show this to my non believer husband thinking this is a no brainer. Surely he can see who this is. He squints and then says 'Is it Obama?'

Our greatest enemies, the ones we must fight most often, are within.
Third Ward is in Houston.

I thought the first arrest was the leader of Myanmar because Q said "First arrest will verify action and confirm future direction" Which is the military will hold new elections and honor the winner as their leader in myanmar due to voter fraud. The leader was tight with Obama and Clinton.

my take > NXIVM crew and then > EPSTEIN/MAXWELL > ?? future direction MASSIVE PAEDO CLEANUP

Let our captivity, Lord, be a thing of the past, like dried up streams in the Negev.
George or, whomever he is; nothing is real.

So might this be the first arrest that'll shock the world?

Just a trueborn American Patriot who demands Justice #MEGA #WWG1GWA fight for our constitutional rights and our Bill of Rights USA freedom

#GreatAwakening #WWG1WGAWORLDWIDE #DarktoLight #QAnon #savethechildren

These Things We Do, That Others May Live. gab.com/@Borescoped


Is that Floyd in casket? I can't really tell from that angle.

did george floyd shrink or what ? looks the same size as gary coleman... WHAT YOU TALKING ABOUT WILLIS !

Telegram is where I post. https://t.me/NCSWICnibiru
Yes. I have been looking for that video again! The one where they put the dummy on the stretcher, and do not really protect the fact it has no legs or arms. Does anyone have a link tto that video? P&Ty

These Things We Do, That Others May Live. gab.com/@Borescoped

I'm dedicated to the cause. The children of the world need our help. We as a nation must put an end to this Travesty. WWG1WGA
I just woke up. I have to see if this is on Court TV today. I can't believe they made George Floyd a Martyr for the cause. He's nothing but a junkie.

Christian, Patriot, Anon, Musician - my song on YT "Prodigal Child by Alicia Maria"- WWG1WGA - 40+yrs cleansings & demonologist work
Yep - and the fake cop who fake killed him is the actor from "cash cab"

wife/grandma/great-grandma, love God, my country, my family and 45 is my President! I am vocal about my opinions (I think for myself)
Step into the light George, let people see the truth!

yep just like the shooting at the capital! their actors are not very good.

Jesus is my Savior. Love my husband & America. Dog lover. RN. Constitutional conservative. Love Trump. Followed by Flynn on Twitter.
Never believed the George Floyd story. The
" emergency" workers broke all protocol. The "patient" was moved way too easily for a big guy like Floyd. Especially a "dead weight" big guy! Having worked as an ER nurse for 26 years of my career, you just notice things like that. There were several other inconsistencies too.Like the "pall bearers" carrying a casket too small & with ease for such a tall heavy man.

God Bless the USA! Home is wherever patriots are.
who who who could it be...

Patriotism runs deep in my blood; my ancestors fought in wars since the Revolution to preserve FREEDOM. Victory or Death! #WakeUpAmerica
Bring him in for questioning.