Look up about David Winn Miller & how he got the patenr for the US FLAG & made DC have to put a fringe on every american flag in the courts, federal buildings ect,, the fringeless flag is under UNIVERSAL LAW, ie LAWS OF THE UNIVERSE,, GODS LAW. Its mind blowing to know that PRESIDENT TRUMP IS USING UNIVERSAL LAW,GODS LAWS TO SAVE THE ENTIRE HUMAN RACE . Amazing things to come, it is BIBLICAL. there is also a Q post with the letters DWM . coincidence ? there are none.TRUMP & Q has won , GOD WINS, WE WIN.
patriot 🌎 French frog 🐸🇨🇦 I remember who I am , 👑sovereign part of God. living a human life , for révélation of truth ,moon watcher 👀
would that mean that the martial law is over ? tthat the military court after the fraud , gave back the presidency to Trump?
An Injustice Anywhere = Injustice Everywhere. Vegan, Respect & Protect ALL Innocent Beings. Spiritual, NOT Religious #TheGreatAwakening
Hello Mike. I have been reading and following both Russle and (the late) DWM for many years. I would really appreciate your opinion and perhaps shed some light on what Russel J. G's plans/intentions are at this time... Please! And of course there are conflicting views about him!
💫 Isabella Camille 💫🔥Child Qf God 🔥PatriQt🔥 🇺🇸MAGA🇺🇸 💥WWG1WGA 💥 💥 1776 freedom💥 NCSWIC💥 ⚡️digital solider💫 💥17=Q 💥