Anchored by Lig..
@AnchoredbyLightGuiding Like a Lighthouse . We always Leave our Light on. Let Your Light Shine !

Lucas Warren
@Gingerred42#IOwnMyOwnMind #IOwnMyOwnBody #WWG1WGA #MAGA #1776 No creepy DMs I will block you! Other are all welcome!! 😊

Lady Patriot
@PatriotMomma17Avid debater, meme queen, artist, and truth seeker. Always challenge the narrative. You can call me LP for short

Angels Here -Z
@SirHuckleberryNana, Direct Internal connection to God, WWG1WWA, MAGA, Angels are here already #FightLikeGodIsBesideYou

Smitten Pat
@SmittenPatHave faith Pats and hold the line Save America-time to start bringing the thunder Standing together organizing a revolut...

1CC Ryder
@NWJoyful1Daughter of the most high God, US Army Vet, blessed w/best husband! NO DMs Please, NOT interested in Crypto/or your $ ma...

Canadian Patrio..
@DarktoLight2021Canadian Patriot. Love Trump. Dark to Light. Great Awakening. Truth Sayer. God Wins! Banned from Tw*t and Fb. We will N...

Veronica Wolski
@ThePeoplesBridgeStanding on a Bridge. Speaking Truths. Being God's messenger. Hopefully changing a narrative or two.

Miss Wide Awake
@Miss_Wide_AwakeTruly awake with morals, ethics and convictions. Anti Zionist, Anti Israel, Pro Palestine. ❤️🇵🇸❤️🇵🇸

Johnny Edwards
@JEdwardsMinistries411Reformed in Theology, Partial preterist in Eschatology, Presuppositionalist in Apologetic, Systematic in my Hermeneutic&...

Jimbo 66 ✓Pepe ..
@Jimbo0566Red Pilled For 30+ years.🐸 Exposing Govt Corruption, Fraud & The NWO. Truth Seeker✨USAF Veteran✈️ #GodWins🕊️ #SaveAm...

Cord Archangel
@CordlesssssMany here are bots. I'm as real as it gets as seen here. https://anonup.com/thread/1669217

Mother of Dr Pr..
@MotherofDrPrecipiceMotherofDrPrecipice WWG1WGA. MAGA. Love my son and my bubba cat that turns 18 in June. I Praise the Lord Our Savior!

Quantumly Free
@n2LightLowly messenger in this war of GOOD vs. evil. Exiled (& freed) from 3 twitr accts. Trump is OUR President! Thank you...

Ann Violandi
@MommaBearQ🇺🇸🐸WWG1WGA🐸🇺🇸 #SAVEOURCHILDREN Fight like a Flynn👊🏼 Perm banned fb, Instagram, tic toc

@MzMidniteRider333Digital Soldier🇺🇸 WWG1WGA 🌏Survivor 🇺🇸Dog Lover♥️ MAGA🇺🇸 GOD WINS🙏 Great Awakening!!! I'm here 4 TRUMP

Christina Maga
@Christina71President Trump supporter, Christian, Mom, Patriot, Save the Children, MAGA, Animal lover. Where we go one, we go ALL.

Robert Pettitt
@ProbablyRobStudent of synchronicity and predictive programming who sometimes says "哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈" Felixtheblack.Cat
Who to follow
Vincent Ke..
@VincentKennedy -
Ghost Ezra
@GhostEzra -
Jimbo 66 ✓..
@Jimbo0566 -
Santa Surf..
@SantaSurfing -
Doq Hollid..
@doqholliday -
Kim Runner
@kimrunner - Show more