Each kidnapped child is worth 2.2 Million USD in Adrenochrome to abductors once all their blood is drained. Would you leave 2.2 Million outside in your front yard unattended & unwatched?
Be watchful as kidnappings have increased due to child trafficking supply lines beginning to dry up. Your child is worth so much more than 2.2 Million USD.
Be mindful that is what they are worth to AdrenoChrome abductors (who torture kids in many more ways than electrocution) who are now out scouting shopping centers & neighborhoods for children.
This is Juan O Savin's new social media platform. For more un-sugar-coated info, join group, "Q Justice - Crimes Against Humanity" linked here:
You have people on the boars who is whinning about people posting the pics and said it should be in a group, get real I say, if they don't like the pics and don't want to be really awoken, they need on a kiddie platform, JS