Phil. 1:21 God & Country! Telegram: t.me/whitebunnyQ17 TelegramChat: t.me/whitebunnyQ1 #WWG1WGA #2A #Trump #JFKJr I❤️Military🇺🇸
FLUORIDE: F ~ Atomic number 9 is Sodium Fluoride.
**Note:(Do not confuse this with Calcium Fluroride which is naturally occurring.)
What makes this so toxic ☠️?
It's a NEUROTOXIN. It kill neurons!
☠️Both of these chemicals are highly TOXIC waste byproducts of phosphate rock.
☠️The EPA (Enviromental Protection Agency) classifies them BOTH as HAZARDOUS WASTE.
💞I just made this TicToc video to bring FLUORIDE TOXICITY AWARENESS because I firmly BELIEVE in De-FLUORIDATING. I speak of it often and want others to WAKE UP!!
I don't just speak of it I LIVE IT --I have DeFLUORIDATED my kids and self TWO YEARS!!! Even toothpaste! PLEASE PASS IT ON! I promise you will think clearer --the fogginess lifts!! 😇
Be proactive with your health!
💞Much love to you all Patriots!#DigitalSoldiers
I stand with President Trump and patriots WW! #GodWins 🙏
The big berkey is incredible. Purifies your water, take it with you anywhere.
Phil. 1:21 God & Country! Telegram: t.me/whitebunnyQ17 TelegramChat: t.me/whitebunnyQ1 #WWG1WGA #2A #Trump #JFKJr I❤️Military🇺🇸
I don't know what the bog berkley is? I'm sceptical of many of the things out there that claim to remove rhe Fluoride and Pharmaceuticals.
I stand with President Trump and patriots WW! #GodWins 🙏
My daughter in law is a Vegan. She bought one about 6 years ago. The water is delicious. Do some research. It will cost about $700 when all is sad and done. Mind you the filters and flouride filters are a bit. 🙂
Thank you I will research it. I appreciiate. 😇
I stand with President Trump and patriots WW! #GodWins 🙏
of course 🙂🙏