QSI Telegram, learning about Quantum Stellar Financial System, Medbeds, Liberty/Freedom, Checks and Balances, disclosure, Ascension,💜♾️
Monday Night Law 03-29-2021
Mar 29, 2021
Kirk's Law Corner

this dude sounds legit, but I have found volumes of 30k base pair genomes that are reported to be SARS-CoV-2, I'll try to link in comment

NCBI Virus
NCBI Virus is a community portal for viral sequence data from RefSeq, GenBank and other NCBI repositories.
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/labs/virus/vssi/#/virus?SeqType_s=Nucleotide&VirusLineage_ss=SARS-CoV-2,%20taxid:2697049Only followers of this user (@Fighter4Justice) can see their posts

We knew it. They tricked the whole world. What a crime!

The joke is that the Gates people have a patent on the Covid 19 virus and the test and the vaxx. How odd is that, right?

Single lady living in a northern state. 3 children grown and gone. Actually happy to be by myself during these Great Awakenings.
Bam 💥

From tropical waters to desert sands to temperate farmland. Imperfect child of God. #MAGA, #Savethechildren, WWG1WGA, Trump 19th POTUS.
this was substantiated about a month ago by perhaps it was the prime Minister or some official from Ireland who had challenged their leading health agency to provide proof of an actual covid-19 isolate following all virological protocols. after weeks of stonewalling the Irish official finally got the truth that that health agency had none to provide and had never had a isolate of covid-19.

Yes it was and i posted that video of that reporter from there also on my timeline!


Next question...
If the CDC can NOT provide a sample of the Covid-19 virus, how did [they] develop a vaccine for Covid-19?
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Only followers of this user () can see their posts

Moral Decay exists. Believe✝️✡️Conservative values. Talk radio vet' write from the heart! END PC! NO NWO/Globalism! #MAGA #WWG1WGA♌️
Blows the ENTIRE shitstain of WORLD SHUTDOWN all to HELL!!

#godwins Strength TO ALL Soldiers - Strength To Police- and Patriot's!!
I am with that thought maybe we can take these globalists put them on an island and try out some new weapons !!! Destroy the forkers!!! R Ricardo

My bloody profile pic is not me and In my mind depicts me winning a battle with a cig. God is my truth.
why would 45 invent operation warp speed and vaccinateharm people? tests seem harmful as well.

I don't think trump was fully informed by either Fauci or Brix or maybe he was just showing how EVIL these people really are at the same time which im sure he was along with the resr of the [DS]

Just a blue collar millwright determined to never allow my children to grow up in a communist state. Q loud and Q proud. #WWGOWGA
If you take one of these vaccines and it kills you, your own stupidity is the only reason you're dead.
Its not Trump, Fauci, or anyone else's fault. You had a year to figure out the scam while millions around the world screamed the truth from mountain tops

well this is like no flu I've seen..,it is a very intense flu and it takes a month to get over just a mild case of it. It can cause other complications and diseases if not treated correctly..some intense strain of the basic flu if you want to call it but I wouldnt say it doesnt exist...if you know people who have died from this flu and I do...believe what you want but this flu is nothing to laugh at

"The truth doesn't damage points of view that are legitimate"~Tom MacDonald #FakeWoke
I think he's saying that this is a variant of the standard flu, which as we all know, varies in intensity from person to person and is not some raging unknown disease.

❤️🇺🇸🙏God, family, Trump,America First. Grateful for all the brave who serve. o7 Mom to 3, Grandma, musician. 🙏🇺🇸❤️
Brings to mind a question... What was in the late fall 2019 flu shot that maybe lowered immune systems and perhaps encouraged a more lengthy illness with lowered ability to fight it off? Flu ahots are definitely more in question now, in my opinion. Any vaccines, for that matter.

Patriot trusting the Plan of President Donald J. Trump! I don't want a Revolution, I want a a Reckoning! #WWG1WGA #MAGA #Godwins

Cdn Patriot 🇨🇦. Father of five. Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. Three times is enemy action.
Hence why industrial medicine is what it is today and naturopaths are shunned

Cdn Patriot 🇨🇦. Father of five. Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. Three times is enemy action.
Think of it like this Donald Trump is always mentioning the greatest witch hunt in history when they attack him. They're doing it to we the people through our RNA. It's just the flu. It's the terrain. Germ theory is a fraud perpetuated onto the masses via the globalists since the 1860's. Pasteur the faux scientist was backed by money and came up with germ theory. He recanted this germ theory before he died. Bechamp was the real scientist without wealth and well his theories weren't going to make anyone money.

Proud to be an American. Unwilling to give up my unalienable rights to the cancel culture. I support Trump's legacy and NO NEW WARS.
Who is speaking? Where is his lab? What is his university? What is the citation for the case against the CDC? The CDC says that the virus is isolated. John Rappoport (Journalist) says it has never been isolated. It is hard to disprove that it has not be isolated - on the order of when did you stop beating your wife? How does this speaker know it has not been isolated contrary to CDC assertion?

Cdn Patriot 🇨🇦. Father of five. Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. Three times is enemy action.
No virus have ever been isolated and purified according to Koch postulates. Easier to be fooled than admit that you were fooled.

I have no insider knowledge, so I walk by faith alone.

"Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord" Is1:18;
Unfortunately as detailed as this is and seemingly factual (the fact that "covid" has yet to be fully isolated and identified is true) the "clinical lab scientist" whose name was attached to the original written version of this (and maybe read prior to the start of this video) was not successfully verified as a real person as far as I know.

This is gold. Wish I had a link to send out to the sheep

Hello Frens! Here I am. Glad to have found you A little battle worn but STILL IN IT! Keeping love in my heart and "Peace as the Prize"
Any link to this?

Here is another video I had posted about this also!
caliborn85 JAA