Juan O’Savin 2-13-21
“Chill out
The enemy has not got us
People are waking up
Toto has pulled the curtain back
🔥💞The whole Q-community
has done an incredible service
to America
& to the world
They show these pictures, gifs, various memes
that are laying bare
what’s going on behind the scenes
with covid
with data about the lies🔥💞
If the courts & congress
are unable to protect the Constitution & Republic
[SCOTUS 19 & 26]
Then that last trigger is the Military
That’s already been triggered”
Keep up the good fight, Anons.
and if the military wont protect our God given constitutional rights its war.
The BRILLIANCE of the Divine Q-Plan is that it won't come to that. We are so blessed that the war is already won! 🙏💞🔥
Faith will be rewarded