Parler is using Facebook's same image scanning technology.

Independent Patriot*@PeacockStarry on Twitter*also on Gab*Reiki Master*Starbeing*Vegetarian*#SaveOurChildren #Arkansas #greatawakening
It seems like a honeypot to me to lure people -anon conservatives & Trump supporters - who were getting penalized or banned on Twat & FB
Then the rug was pulled out from under it all & it sounds even worse than before since it's been up & running again

yup! compromised!

I'm a Patriot. I want my sons and grandchildren to grow up in a FREE country. #MAGA #SAVEOURCHILDREN #GODWINS
I'm not going back on parler.

Jesus is Everything, Love my family, Animals are my thing, feed the poor, help your neighbor, love your enemies, serve God and country.
I'm not going glad I got kicked off of twitter and shadow banned from facebook....NO MORE

💕Sometimes just gotta sparkle no matter what it looks like,&be lovely.🌸🍃Do not be afraid. Trust Shalom. His love is great. Matt6:26,10:31
Facebook is trying to get me to send them verified ID and phone number to delete an account I no longer want that uses my email. I’m thinking to join the lawsuit against them. May I ask (you don’t need to answer): Will the data facebook collected and sold to other companies (facebook servers) be destroyed someday? 🔥 Please see this as a request for the facebook / Chinese data servers on American citizens to be destroyed.
💥Thank you. 💥

#WWG1WGA #Christian #Patriot Defender of 2nd and Truth. Question everything, trust only God!
Deleted Parler. They can go pound sand!

God, family , truth, love, honor ,gratitude forgiveness. Keep inside the cart it's getting bumpy. God bless you all! #familyiseverything
Project Looking Glass: From the Mouths of the Whistleblowers
CONTACT THROUGH THE LOOKING GLASS PART I AND II OF II D I S C L O S U R E L I B R A R Y BITCHUTE C H A N N E L Published on Nov 15, 2019 by Disclosure Library/ Archive / Altcensored /Re-Upload …
I was able to log in to Parler, but within 24 hours, all I get now is a blank page. From what I am being told, they are already having issues with the servers due to content being posted. In other words, Same thing as Amazon, just less well known pieces of shit.

Kid/Cat Mom & Patriot. Clinton's and Whitewater started the awakening. So happy that I am no longer alone in my observations! #WWG1WGA
I stopped putting my face on Social media platforms a long time ago. I did on MySpace and Facebook before I realized Facebook was compromised. I'm a real person, just a a careful one. My boy Dante is way cuter than me anyhow. 😸

God, my country, family, and truth are things near to my heart! We will all be blessed for holding the line! Even though I am not tech savy.
i am a real person too😁😁 i chose to use my doggies as my pics😍 i did, however, post pics of my son in his "hiden from Biden" hoodie😂 see??? even kids know the man is evil and creepy!

Conservative, I stand for my flag, kneel for the cross. Trump's the President! God Wins! Love, light & prayers frenz!
I've never used my own image on social media. Only solution? Have enough puppies you'll never run out of adorable dogs to use!🐶

I fight the Judicial arm of the British Crown & lose Every-time, but I keep fighting w/o a law degree cause I know.
Bongino is looking more like an Alex Jones everyday.

It's still me, following my heart 🙂❤️ and something else 👉 💥
Parler’s New Hosting Provider Bans All ‘Hateful Material’, Setting the Stage for Massive Censorship

Unapologetically American
Can someone help -- I am trying to get on Parler website and after loggin, I get a blank page.

I'm done with partler, I closed my account.

Proud Deplorable, I love my country, love my President, love the great state of Texas! 🇺🇲🇺🇲
How'd you do that? I tried to find the delete all over today and was unsuccessful.

A True Patriot. God, Family & Country. Mother, Wife, Daughter. We stand for the American Flag.
Not going back!!


Kid/Cat Mom & Patriot. Clinton's and Whitewater started the awakening. So happy that I am no longer alone in my observations! #WWG1WGA
Normal saying for any Joe Schmo. No reference to our favorite Anon.

I never got on parlor. For some reason just seem like a waste of time

I didn't like it.

Previously on Twitter @PeaceBabyPeace. #Patriot #wwg1wga #MAGA #Trump #SaveTheChildren
Hey Ghost - so Dan Bongino is or was a part owner of Parler, haven't heard or seen much of him lately. Is he a bad dude pretending to be a good dude or what the hell is up?

Love Trump, Kennedy family....a mother and grandmother..and truthseeker.
definitely compromised!

Not going back!!!!

All That You Perceive And All That You Do, Is A Manifestation Of Energy, Experienced & Expressed In Love 💫 Pureblood, Starseed, Observer
were all the old accounts deleted or do we need to sign back in to do it?

Still wearing that silly mask? Stand up. We have work to do. #wwg1wga
Very comfy right here.


Christian, America first, husband, father, Army Veteran, Truth seeking patriot
yup parlor is aids and broken and slept with an amazon


hmmm isnt dan bigalo (oops can not spell his name correctly) part owner of parler, never liked parler or telegram or twitter, gab is the best be going for the longest, the rest are all stealing our data, bunch of crooks. Privacy flew out the window a long time ago, the reason l left face crook in 2015, came back last year to give a voice for the children and to support the best President the world has ever seen, then they disabled me on 21st jan

I am an Information Technology Specialist with technical expertise in implementing, monitoring, and maintaining IT systems.
I'm here and there, but no to the Parler platform.

I wont be going back to Parler. ✝️♥️🇺🇸

We were prophesied to be here at this exact moment in time to stand for truth and to share Gods message of Love. #Trump is appointed by God.
ahhh... super sketch. Even before these reveals I never liked the interface... was clumsy.. backed by big money i assume.

i have an account here, i guess i set up last year and forgot. well here i am. love telegram and gab, but this is nice all in one.

Surely the CIA is not going to give up that technology freely.

Yup. I didn't even go back after seeing Torba's post about their servers. Parler is dead to me.