Q's Corn harvest > Hillary Clinton's private server was -@Clintonemail.coRn. She placed an 'r' next to an 'n' to mimic a 'm' > rn < m, in attempts to hide the entire operation. CoRney comey did this too. ALL emails have been recovered / HARVESTED & are ready for public consumption. When HRC's emails are released to the public, major players, assets & leaders around the world will be implicated in a YUGE way.
I think a whole crap load of people snapped out of it and woke up past 2 weeks. Lots of angry people that were not so angry before. The media is loosing its narrative grasp and people are starting to see. I truely believe people are ready. I feel it. I can feel a change in people. I would love to see some arrests.....SOON!
Nothing like a state-wide power outage to get their attention, eh?
Sometimes, it takes .e.x.t.r.e.m.e. circumstances to get your attention...not heat in zero weather and snow slaps people right in their faces. Yet, there are those that will never get "it".