Q's Corn harvest > Hillary Clinton's private server was -@Clintonemail.coRn. She placed an 'r' next to an 'n' to mimic a 'm' > rn < m, in attempts to hide the entire operation. CoRney comey did this too. ALL emails have been recovered / HARVESTED & are ready for public consumption. When HRC's emails are released to the public, major players, assets & leaders around the world will be implicated in a YUGE way.
Could this be what Sen Grassley was referring to in this tweet? The emails are ready for public consumption?
@BrianHylandCDU: RT @ChuckGrassley: This corn is ready for harvest & we are about 1/3 done at the Grassley farm #cornwatch https://t.co/dOhrkr66og | Conspir..
This corn is ready for harvest & we are about 1/3 done at the Grassley farm #cornwatch https://t.co/dOhrkr66og— ChuckGrassley (@ChuckGrassley) October 5, 2020 https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js