So this post was real?
This was posted in 2022
To give you some clarity some of the Drones are exploding middair taken out by black Helicopters !
Some of the Drones are good ones and bad ppl have been arrested for operating the deep state ones !
Only way to Win this is by being proactive as the US Military have done !
They were not expecting this until Jan 18th but it came early !
This week gonna be crazy !

"Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord" Is1:18;
If this is true and develops along these lines as more or less 'fake' it looks like we're heading into the pure realm of "fear" for fear's sake to drive people into whatever panic response the PTB choose for them bringing us to the point of fulfillment of the oft repeated adage ..
"The only thing to fear is fear itself"
Making Jesus' often telling us to 'fear not' especially important for these times.
So remember to "Be still .. and know that I am God" Ps46:10

Elon told ya
There will come a time when drone wars would be real
We got this

I am a Information Treasure Hunter. I was sent to earth to teach Love and Kindness