The 4 beasts of Daniel 7's vision represent an *historical* time line of the 4 great empires beginning w/ Babylon (where Daniel was given the vision), next Medo-Persia, then Greece, then Rome - the terrible 'diverse' beast. Then we see the 4th beast has 10 horns - Rome became divided into 10 separate kingdoms; then a "little horn" rises amongst them. Historically this little horn could only represent the Papacy (ie, the Roman Catholic Papal Church) that then took over and united the divided Roman empire - creating the Holy Roman Empire.
Read Dan7:19-25. It tells of this little horn speaking 'great words against the most high' and then 'wearing out'(persecuting) 'the saints of the most high' for a period of time (again history). This vision given to Daniel in Babylon 500 yrs prior to the formation of Rome and the Roman Catholic Papal Church was perfectly fulfilled.
Now consider the passage where the little horn 'thinks to change times and laws' in reference to this video.