In response Robert Wakefield to his Publication

Who is in control of the
VA Hospitals that force vaccinated
our healthcare providers?

Is that the same military that was
wearing face masks and getting
forced vaccinated?

Yeah I served what…
To Watch My Brothers and Sisters Die
the last three years!!!
Not from defending America.🤬

Have to attend
another veteran’s funeral
this week!

Guess where he served?
Guantanamo Bay!

In response URBAN SQUIRREL to her Publication

Q Told ya
A clean House was needed
That has been done

I lost both Parents through the Vaccine even though I told them not to do it

We all have lost ppl -- We are at War !

Wish I could change your loss.
Thank you for
giving me a
place to
voice our
Spiritual Pain Robert.

May your parents
Rest in Peace.

In response Robert Wakefield to his Publication

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In response URBAN SQUIRREL to her Publication


In response Robert Wakefield to his Publication
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