Call me a bit thick
but when Trump said " Covfefe " !
I took it as Magnets to deflect the 5G radiation
So I have a big magnet in every room of the house !
Is this what he mean`t or can som1 explain what we need to do coherently so we can get the right protection out there and make it viral with memes !

Table of Elements: CO is for cobalt. V is for vanadium. Fe Fe is two molecules of iron. This is the solution, the antidote to the 5G towers that were really designed to work with the vaccines and essentially hacking beings. And so what he implemented… when he was telling covfefe before he was… so they created, essentially, if I understand it correctly, some sort of magnet that they put at every pole, 5G pole that essentially doesn't allow it to do the hacking that they wanted to do.
If you build it they will come
very simple thing
my question
thanks info